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International Missing Links: Toronto Connects Poland & Colombia, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p4. Author: Significance of genealogy. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland; . Download: PDF.
Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; . Download: PDF.
Nominative, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p10. Subjects: Africa; Israel; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
North African Jews, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Africa; Books and Periodicals; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
Review: The Arrogant Years: One Girl’s Search for her Lost Youth, from Cairo to Brooklyn, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; United States; Africa. Download: PDF.
Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums
The Lodz Archives, June 1985, Vol. I, No. 2, p1. Author: Goldie Wallensky. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Breakthrough in Access to Polish-Jewish records, June 1988, Vol. IV, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
German Jewish Archives to return to East-Berlin community ….. ?, June 1988, Vol. IV, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Germany; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Archives + Addresses: Russian Business Directories as Aids in Genealogical Research, September 1988, Vol. IV, No. 2, p3. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Berlin, March 1989, Vol. V, No. 1, p3. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: Research; Germany; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Library Holdings, September 1989, Vol. V, No. 3, p1. Author: Kaila Cramer. Subjects: JGS; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Field Trip to the Canadiana Room, December 1989, Vol. V, No. 4, p5. Author: Kaila Cramer. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; JGS. Download: PDF.
Research in Holland, December 1990, Vol. VI, No. 4, p4. Subjects: Western Europe; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Vital Statistics Transferred to Archives of Ontario, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p3. Subject: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
American Jewish Archives, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p4. Subject: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Libraries & archives in former Soviet states ready to share information, YIVO official asserts, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p1. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Major archives in U.S. & C.I.S. sign genealogical agreement, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p1. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
“A” Is For Archives, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p3. Author: Howard Markus. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
What’s Doing in Winnipeg, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Some genealogical resources in Montreal, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p10. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
MHSO has rich Jewish collection, September 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Vital Statistics Indexes on Microfilm at Ontario Archives, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p14. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
The Archives of Ontario: A capsule summary of some relevant holdings, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p4. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
A Miscellany of Riches from Russia & the Provinces, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Gary Mokotoff Delivers Latest News from Jewish Genealogical World, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p6. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
A Source of Pre-1900 Printed Canadiana: The Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions on microfiche, September 1993, Vol. IX, No. 3, p11. Author: Clifford Duxbury-Collier. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Vital Statistics Records at the Archives of Ontario, December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p4. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
In Israel, A Repository for Jewish Family Trees, December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p11. Subjects: Israel; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Recemt Developments in East European Research, December 1994, Vol. X, No. 4, p8. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Methodology; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Finding Living Relatives Through Yad Vashem Archives, March 1995, Vol. XI, No. 1, p1. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Holocaust; Research; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Yad Vashem Publications Help Document Family History, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p3. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
What’s New at YIVO, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
News from RAGAS, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p5. Author: Linda Cantor. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Tempest in a Samovar Or The Ugly American Genealogist?, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p9. Author: Karen Fejer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Ukraine; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Our Readers Respond to “Tempest in a Samovar…”, December 1995, Vol. XI, No. 4, p10. Subjects: JGS; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
Index To Genealogy Publications, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p4. Subject: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
L’viv and Kiev Records Being Filmed, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p9. Subjects: Ukraine; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Jewish Vital Records from Belarus on Microfilm, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Belarus. Download: PDF.
Leo Baeck Institute To Expand Genealogical Services, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p10. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Allen County Public Library, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p7. Author: Jo Fraenkel. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Records of the Baron de Hirsch Institute, 1892 – 1914: A Genealogical Resource, December 1996, Vol. XII, No. 4, p10. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Canadian Archives on the Web, September 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 3, p4. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Family Research at the Leo Baeck Institute, September 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 3, p5. Subject: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Reaching The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum On The Internet, September 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 3, p11. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
A Family Reunited, March 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 1, p11. Subjects: Research; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Acquisition by the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (Jerusalem) of the Register of the London Great & New Synagogues, March 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 1, p11. Author: Esther Ramon. Subjects: British Isles; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
A Letter from the Leo Baeck Institute in New York, June 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 2, p4. Author: Carol Kahn Strauss. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; United States. Download: PDF.
Southampton University’s Jewish Archives, June 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 2, p5. Authors: Karen Robson; Henry Wellisch. Subjects: British Isles; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Sources for Civil Records in Canada, September 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 3, p5. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Ellis Island to Get Family History Research Centre, December 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 4, p6. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Yad Vashem – the “List of Lists”, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Jewish Archives in Canada, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p5. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Judaica Poloniae: Notes from my trip to Poland, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p1. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Poland; Research; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Jewish Records Indexing – Poland, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p7. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The British Columbia Archives, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Jewish Records Indexing – Poland: 1929 Business Directory Project, March 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 1, p1. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Exciting Announcement For All Litvaks, March 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Baltic Countries; LDS (Mormon) Sources; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Yad Vashem, June 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 2, p9. Author: Tom Brunner. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Historical Archive in Vilnius Update, June 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 2, p10. Authors: Howard Margol; Fred David. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Finding My Ancestors at the North York Central Library, September 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 3, p3. Author: David Price. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Jewish Records on the Family History Library Catalog, March 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 1, p5. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Archives of Ontario, March 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 1, p6. Subject: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Finding Your Roots at the YIVO, Institute for Jewish Research, June 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 2, p1. Authors: Marek Web; Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Methodology; Significance of genealogy; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Old and New Sources of Information on Holocaust Victims and Survivors, December 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 4, p1. Authors: Peter Landé; Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Some Lists of Names of Survivors and Victims Available in Toronto and on the Internet, December 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 4, p5. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
New Eastern European Archival Database, June 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, p4. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
National Archives of Canada Improves 1901 Census Site, December 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Key Moments in Soviet Archival History, March 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 1, p1. Authors: Ruth Chernia; George Bolotenko. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
JRI-Poland’s new procedure for ordering records from Polish State Archives, March 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 1, p7. Subjects: Poland; Methodology; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Ukranian Archives, March 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 1, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
The Central Archive Moves to its New Location: A Boost for Genealogical Research in Israel, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p7. Author: Jean Pierre Stroweis. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Israel; LDS (Mormon) Sources. Download: PDF.
Records of Hatred and Efficiency: Collecting German Archival Records, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p8. Author: Ralf Oberndörfer. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Germany. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Resources at the Toronto Reference Library, December 2004, Vol. XX, No. 4, p12. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Methodology; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Ontario Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p4. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Canada; Methodology; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
An Update on Jewish Records Indexing-Poland, September 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland; DNA and Genetics. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Ontario Jewish Archives, September 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, p12. Subjects: JGS; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Toronto’s First Synagogues – A “Virtual” Treasure Trove, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p1. Author: Ellen Scheinberg. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Ancestry Library Edition, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p5. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
What’s in the Archives of Ontario… and how do I find it?, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p10. Author: Jane MacNamara. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada; Methodology. Download: PDF.
160,000 New Record Indices Searchable on JRI-Poland, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p4. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
The Gorlickis of Chmielnik, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p1. Author: David Price. Subjects: Research; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland. Download: PDF.
Theresienstadt Database at Czech Site, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p2. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Dr. Stephen Speisman z”ll: An Appreciation, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p5. Author: Ellen Scheinberg. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Conservation of Original Documents at the ITS Archives, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p9. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Germany. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Visits the Toronto Reference Library, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p5. Author: Linda Offman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
A Personal Journey of Discovery, Part 3, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p6. Author: Karen Lasky. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland; Research. Download: PDF.
New Archives of Ontario Facility, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p7. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Pier 21 Halifax to Become a National Museum of Immigration, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p8. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Researching the Records of the International Tracing Service in Bad Arolsen, Germany, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p1. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Germany. Download: PDF.
Canadian Naturalization Database, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Footnote.com and U.S. National Archives Holocaust Collection Update, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p10. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Plan For Riga Ghetto Museum, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p2. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
City of Toronto Research From The Comfort Of… Anywhere!, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
All About Toronto, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p1. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Centre for Jewish History in New York City to Open on Sundays, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p3. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Library and Archives of Canada: Microform Digitization of Records, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
London Jewish Museum, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p4. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: British Isles; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Galicia Jewish Museum, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p5. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Beit Hatfutsot: The Nahum Goldmann Museum of the Jewish Diaspora, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Israel; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
New to the Anne Frank Museum & Website, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p7. Subjects: Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Tour of the Ontario Archives, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p10. Author: Myrna Neuringer Levy. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Spotlight On Our Member: Elaine Cheskes, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p11. Subjects: JGS; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
At The Center For Jewish History (CJH) and YIVO In New York City, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
New Cooperation Agreement Between JRI-Poland and the Virtual Shtetl Portal of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p6. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
A Visit to the Center for Jewish History, NY, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
New National Museum of Jewish History Opens in Philadelphia, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; United States. Download: PDF.
News from the Archives of Ontario, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p10. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
News from Yad Vashem, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p11. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Media. Download: PDF.
News from Pier 21, Halifax, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
New Holocaust Museum in Mexico City: Memoria y Tolerencia, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
The Ontario Historical Society’s 2010 Honours and Awards, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p8. Subject: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
From Library and Archives Canada, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p9. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Jewish Records in Poland, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p4. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Poland; LDS (Mormon) Sources; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Searching for the Babies, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p6. Author: Debbie Sacrob. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
New Blog From Library & Archives Canada, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Holocaust Testimonies Archive Comes to McMaster, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Lessons From A Genealogical Sleuth: Who was Charles Zweling? Part 1, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p1. Author: Neil Richler. Subjects: Research; Canada; Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Exhibit at Columbus Centre: Icons of Loss: The Art of Samuel Bak, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p7. Author: n. Subjects: Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Chadashot: News From Israel, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p8. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Research; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Museum of the History of Polish Jews, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland. Download: PDF.
How to Buy Tracing Our Roots, Telling Our Stories, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p7. Subject: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Family Story vs. Ship Manifest, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p12. Author: Lil Blume. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
A Jewish View of San Fransisco, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p4. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Books and Periodicals; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
New and Improved: Yad Vashem’s Central Database, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p5. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
New YIVO Website: Online Guide to YIVO Archives, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p7. Author: Jan Meisels Allen. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Warsaw’s Museum of the History of Polish Jews Opening in April, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
The All Galicia Database, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p9. Author: Pamela Weisberger. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
JRI-Poland Search Results Linked to 74 Town Inventory Folders with Digital Images, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p4. Author: David Price. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Announcements from Library and Archives Canada, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p7. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
In the Gallery at the Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p10. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
New York City’s Tenement Museum, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
The Archives of Ontario, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
JRI-Poland and the Museum fot the History of Polish Jews Announce New Agreement, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p1. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Branching Out, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: JGS; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
The Memory Finder, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p11. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Museum of Jewish Heritage: A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p4. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Do You Like a Genealogical Challenge? Take Part in MEMPLAQ!, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p6. Author: Marla Waltman. Subjects: Canada; Synagogues; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p9. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland. Download: PDF.
Pier 21 Exhibit at Markham Museum, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
At the Art Gallery of Ontario: Memory Unearthed: The Lodz Ghetto Photographs of Henryk Ross, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
“As it is Written”: Judaic Treasures from the Thomas Rare Book Library, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Ontario Jewish Archives Walking Tours, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p6. Subject: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; . Download: PDF.
Branching Out, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p7. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Research; Books and Periodicals; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
A Journey Through the Ukrainian-Jewish Encounter: From Antiquity to 1914, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p12. Subject: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Exhibition: Memories of Muizenberg, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p5. Subject: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
The Frank and Anita Ekstein Holocaust Resource Collection at the Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
The Lodz Ghetto Photographs of Henryk Ross, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
New Video Wall to Preserve Stories of Baycrest Seniors for Generations to Come, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p15. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Three Programs Combining Music and Genealogy, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Arts. Download: PDF.
Searching for David Nowakowsky, Music of a Forgotten Master, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Media; Arts. Download: PDF.
Hamilton Project Tells Stories of Jewish Working Families, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p5. Subjects: Canada; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Arts. Download: PDF.
Ger Mandolin Orchestra Performs in Toronto, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p4. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Arts. Download: PDF.
Precious Legacy: Celebration of Life, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p4. Subjects: Canada; Holocaust; Arts. Download: PDF.
News from World Organizations Advocating on Behalf of Jews, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Arts. Download: PDF.
Shipwrecked at Malabar: The dramatic story of the Jews of India, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p15. Author: Ralph Bennett. Subjects: Asia; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
How My Cousin Found Long-Lost Descendants of My Grandmother’s Brother in Birodijan, March 1996, Vol. XII, No. 1, p6. Author: Deborah Pekilis. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Asia; Research. Download: PDF.
The Ancient Jews of China, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p3. Subject: Asia. Download: PDF.
The Day I Discovered an Unsung Holocaust Hero, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p1. Author: Bernie Farber. Subjects: Holocaust; Asia; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
The Jews of Cochin, India, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Asia; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
The Development of Jewish First Names in the Austrian Empire, June 1991, Vol. VII, No. 2, p7. Authors: Wenzel Zacek; Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Jewish Names; Austria. Download: PDF.
“Ridiculous” Jewish surnames, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p6. Subjects: Jewish Names; Austria. Download: PDF.
Reaching Back into the Austro-Hungarian Empire, September 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 3, p6. Author: Robert Lowy. Subjects: Austria; Hungary; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Report on the Austro-Hungarian Birds of a Feather, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p13. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Austria. Download: PDF.
A Brief History of Jewish Vienna, September 1993, Vol. IX, No. 3, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subject: Austria. Download: PDF.
Austrian Victims of the Holocaust; Registration by Name, March 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Holocaust; Austria. Download: PDF.
German/Austrian Holocaust Victom Databases Currently Available on the Web, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p6. Author: Peter Landé. Subjects: Holocaust; Austria; Germany. Download: PDF.
Another Austrian “Discovery”, September 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 3, p6. Author: Peter Landé. Subjects: Austria; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Cemeteries of Vienna, June 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 2, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Austria; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Jews of Galicia Under Austrian-Polish Rule, 1869-1918, June 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 2, p1. Authors: Ruth Chernia; Piotr Wrobel. Subjects: Poland; Austria. Download: PDF.
Update on European Cemeteries, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Poland; Holocaust; Austria. Download: PDF.
GenTeam Adds Nearly Half a Million Birth/Marriage/Death Records from Austria, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p10. Author: Dick Eastman. Subjects: Austria; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Baltic Countries
My return to a Lithuanian shtetl, part 1, June 1990, Vol. VI, No. 2, p1. Author: Mendel Kaplan. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Research. Download: PDF.
My return to a Lithuanian shtetl, part 2, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p5. Author: Mendel Kaplan. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Research. Download: PDF.
Review: Schoenburg, Nancy and Stuart Shoenburg, eds. Lithuanian Jewish Communities, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p11. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
What’s New at YIVO, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
A Letter To The Family, December 1996, Vol. XII, No. 4, p1. Author: Arnold Issenman. Subjects: Research; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
A Return to the Shtetl, September 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 3, p7. Author: Lily Poritz Miller. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Research. Download: PDF.
Lithuanian Names Project: Recording and Remembering Lithuanian Shoah Victims, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p9. Authors: Rose Lerer Cohen; Saul Issroff. Subjects: Holocaust; Baltic Countries; Research. Download: PDF.
Review: Lozansky, Riva, et al. If I Forget Thee…: The Destruction of the Shtetl Butrimantz, September 1999, Vol. XV, No. 3, p7. Author: Diane Goldman. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Exciting Announcement For All Litvaks, March 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Baltic Countries; LDS (Mormon) Sources; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Historical Archive in Vilnius Update, June 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 2, p10. Authors: Howard Margol; Fred David. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
New Book on Lithuanian Jews, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Toronto Landsmanshaften: The Farband of Lithuanian and Latvian Jews, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p10. Subjects: Canada; Baltic Countries; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Plan For Riga Ghetto Museum, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p2. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Methodology; Research; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p3. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Western Europe; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Baltic Countries; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Review: Jacob, D.H. Dorbyan: A Lithuanian Jewish S[h]tetl, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Lithuanian Jews on Postage Stamps, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Media; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Back to Lithuanian Roots, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p8. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Research. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p9. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada; Baltic Countries; Holocaust; British Isles. Download: PDF.
From Library and Archives Canada, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p9. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p3. Author: Dror Vaikhansky. Subjects: JGS; Research; Baltic Countries; Belarus. Download: PDF.
Jewish Vital Records from Belarus on Microfilm, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Belarus. Download: PDF.
Photos from Belarus, March 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 1, p4. Author: Penny Gross. Subjects: Belarus; Research. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p3. Author: Dror Vaikhansky. Subjects: JGS; Research; Baltic Countries; Belarus. Download: PDF.
Jewish Headstones Discovered in Brest, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p12. Subjects: Belarus; Cemeteries and Burials; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Books and Periodicals
Sources of Information, May 1985, Vol. I, No. 1, p2. Author: Goldie Wallensky. Subjects: Methodology; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Books + References: Sun vs. Moon, September 1988, Vol. IV, No. 2, p3. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; South Africa. Download: PDF.
Berlin, March 1989, Vol. V, No. 1, p3. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: Research; Germany; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
The Gedenkbuch donated, June 1989, Vol. V, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; JGS; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Blume, Deiter and Jürgen Runzheimer, eds. Gladenbach und Schloss Blankenstein, December 1989, Vol. V, No. 4, p4. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Germany. Download: PDF.
Holocaust centre’s two volumes stir vivid images, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p4. Author: Elaine Kahn. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Research; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Strätz, Rainer. “Biographic Handbook of the Jews of Würzburg, 1900-1945”, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p5. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Germany. Download: PDF.
Review: Fontaine, André. Le camp d’étrangers des Milles, 1939-1943, June 1990, Vol. VI, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Hart, Daniel. The Jew in Canada, March 1991, Vol. VII, No. 1, p6. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Polish Translation Guide, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p1. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
What is a City Directory? … And Why?, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p7. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Godfrey, Sheldon. Burn This Gossip, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p8. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: Kagan, Berl. Hebrew Subscription Lists, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p8. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Kaplan, Mendel and Marian Robertson, eds. Founders and Followers: Johannesburg Jewry, 1887-1915, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p3. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; South Africa. Download: PDF.
Review: Stern, Malcolm. First American Jewish Families: 600 Genealoglies, 1654-1988, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p3. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; United States. Download: PDF.
Library of the JGS of Canada, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p5. Author: Kaila Cramer. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; JGS. Download: PDF.
Farewell to Shem Tov, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p7. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: JGS; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Report from Robarts, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Kurzwell, Arthur and Miriam Weiner, eds. Encyclopedia of Jewish Genealogy, Volume I, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p9. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Shea, Jonathan D. Russian Language Documents from Russian Poland: A Translation Manual for Genealogists, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p10. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Review: Schoenburg, Nancy and Stuart Shoenburg, eds. Lithuanian Jewish Communities, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p11. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Your family history: has it been published?, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p11. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Publishing a Family History. Download: PDF.
MHSO has rich Jewish collection, September 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
“Dispersed Throughbout the World”, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Germany; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
The Neu-Raussnitz Tax Book, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p7. Authors: Heinrich Flesch; Patrick Gordis; Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Genealogist to the Rabbis, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p11. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Tapper, Lawrence. A Bibliographical Dictionary of Canadian Jewry, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p13. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: Hundert, Gershon. The Jews in a Polish Private Town: The Case of Opatow in the Eighteenth Century, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p14. Author: Sheryl Erenberg. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
Review: Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Surnames from the Russian Empire, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p11. Author: Mordechai Roitman. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Review: Guggenheimer, Heinrich and Eva Guggenheimer. Jewish Family Names: An Etymological Dictionary, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p11. Author: Mordechai Roitman. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Review: Brisman, Shimeon. A History and Guide to Judaic Encyclopedias and Lexicons (Review Part 1), December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p5. Author: Howard Gordis. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Travelling Companions to Jewish Heritage Sites, December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p8. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Brisman, Shimeon. A History and Guide to Judaic Encyclopedias and Lexicons (Review Part 2), March 1994, Vol. X, No. 1, p7. Author: Patrick Gordis. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Published Memoirs from the Shtetl to the Holocaust, June 1994, Vol. X, No. 2, p5. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Publishing a Family History. Download: PDF.
A Bridge to America: The Landsmanshaften, March 1995, Vol. XI, No. 1, p3. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; United States; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Information in the Jewish Chronicle, March 1995, Vol. XI, No. 1, p6. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; British Isles; Methodology. Download: PDF.
A Fresh Look at Nine of Canada’s Earliest Jewish Families, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p2. Author: Anne Joseph. Subjects: Canada; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Yad Vashem Publications Help Document Family History, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p3. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
News from Robarts Library, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Kraeger, Heinrich, ed. Sigilla Veri, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Germany. Download: PDF.
Review: Mokotoff, Gary. How To Document Victims and Locate Survivors of the Holocaust, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p7. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Dobroszycki, Lucjan. Survivors of the Holocaust in Poland: A Portrait Based on Jewish Community Records, 1944-1947, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
Review: LeMaster, Carolyn Gray. A History of the Jewish Experience in Arkansis, 1820 – 1990, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p6. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; United States. Download: PDF.
Bringing the Past to Life… And Into Print, March 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 1, p6. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Hungary; Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Hoffman, Eva. Shtetl – The Life and Death of a Small Town and the World of Polish Jews, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p6. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
Review: Karafilly, Irena Friedman. Ashes and Miracles – A Polish Journey, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p6. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
Review: Lozansky, Riva, et al. If I Forget Thee…: The Destruction of the Shtetl Butrimantz, September 1999, Vol. XV, No. 3, p7. Author: Diane Goldman. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Review: Weiner, Miriam. Jewish Roots in the Ukraine and Moldova: Pages from the Past and Archival Inventories, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p11. Author: Mordechai Roitman. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
Review: Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Family Who’s Who, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p12. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Theresienstäder Gedenkbuch, December 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 4, p10. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Felsen, Vivian. Montreal of Yesterday: Jewish Life in Montreal, 1900–1920, December 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 4, p11. Author: Zachary Baker. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Askenazic Given Names: Their Origins, Structures, Pronunciation and Migrations, December 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 4, p8. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Review: Klein, Ruth and Frank Dimant, eds. From Immigration to Integration – The Canadian Jewish Experience: A Millennium Edition, December 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Encounters with European Jews, March 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, p10. Author: Florence Kellam. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Zborowski, Mark and Elizabeth Herzog. Life is With People – The Culture of the Shtetl, June 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 2, p9. Author: David Price. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Wein, Abraham. Pinkas Kehillot Polin, “Central Poland”, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
Review:Guzik, Estelle M., ed. Genealogical Resouces in New York, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p12. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Family Tree Magazine. Family Tree Guide Book to Europe, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p9. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Spector, Shmuel, ed. The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p9. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Sack, Sallyann and Gary Mokotoff, eds. The Avotaynu Guide to Jewish Genealogy, September 2004, Vol. XX, No. 3, p7. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Horowitz, Carl and Irene Horowitz. Of Human Agony, December 2004, Vol. XX, No. 4, p6. Author: Valerie Schazker. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Langberd, Edwin. Sara’s Blessing, December 2004, Vol. XX, No. 4, p6. Author: Valerie Schazker. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia, March 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 1, p10. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Jewish Names; Poland. Download: PDF.
Review: Magosci, Paul Robert. Historical Atlas of Central Europe (revised and expanded edition), March 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 1, p10. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: David Price, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p6. Subjects: JGS; Jewish Names; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
New Book on Hebrew Inscriptions and Documents, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
New Book on Lithuanian Jews, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
A Jewish Who’s Who Reference, September 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 3, p9. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Wenzerul, Rosemary, ed. A Guide to Jewish Genealogy in the United Kingdom, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p9. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; British Isles. Download: PDF.
Review: Volovici, Hanna et al., eds. Sources on Polish Jewry at the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p12. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Gladstone, Bill. Roots and Remembrance: Explorations in Jewish Genealogy, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p8. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Auslander, Jordan. Genealogical Gazetteer for the Kingdom of Hungary, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p9. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Hungary. Download: PDF.
Review: Kredel, Otto and Franz Thierfelder. German-Foreign Language/Foreign Language-German Register of Place Names, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p9. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Germany. Download: PDF.
Review: Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German-Jewish Surnames, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p9. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Review: Cullman, Peter Simonstein. History of the Jewish Community of Schneidemühl, 1641 to the Holocaust, September 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 3, p11. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
Review: Hordes, Stanley M. To the End of the Earth: A History of the Crypto-Jews of New Mexico, September 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 3, p12. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; United States. Download: PDF.
Canadian News From Over a Hundred Years Ago, December 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 4, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada; Media. Download: PDF.
Review: Lipsitz, Edmond Y., ed. World Jewish Dictionary, March 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, p12. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
What Price Memory: Letters of a Yizkor Book Debate, June 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, p6. Author: Myrna Levy. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
A German Report from Poland During the First World War, June 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
Review: Hilton, Nancy Goldberg. Nechama’s List: New Jewish Genealogical Records Added to the Family History Library Catalogue, January 8, 2001 to November 8, 2006, June 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, p9. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; LDS (Mormon) Sources. Download: PDF.
Jewish Genealogical Society of Canada (Toronto) – Responses to the Library Survey, September 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Like Never Before, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Holocaust Education Week Programme, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p9. Authors: Judy Kasman; Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Holocaust; Books and Periodicals; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Review: Hatcher, Patricia Law. Producing a Quality Family History, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p11. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Sack, Sallyann Amdur and Gary Makotoff, eds. Avotaynu Guide to Jewish Genealogy, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p11. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: McGrath, Robin. Salt Fish & Shmattes: A History of the Jews in Newfoundland and Labrador from 1770., September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p9. Author: Norman Ravvin. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
A Masterpiece of Scholarship on Jewish Names, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p4. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Jewish Names; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Rafael Goldchain: My Family – Photographic Memories and Fictions, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p3. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Central and South America; Poland; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Lynch, Daniel. Google Your Family Tree: Unlock the Hidden Power of Google, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Diamant, Anita. Day After Night: a Novel, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Forman, Frieda Johles. Jewish Refugees in Switzerland During the Holocaust, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; Western Europe. Download: PDF.
Review: Jacob, D.H. Dorbyan: A Lithuanian Jewish S[h]tetl, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Review: Miller, Lily Poritz. In a Pale Blue Light: a Novel, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; South Africa. Download: PDF.
Review: Easterbrook, Ian. Peddlers in Wellington County: Good Luck This Morning, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p4. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
New: Abridged Facsimile Edition of The Jew of Canada from 1926, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p5. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: Hart, Arthur Daniel, comp. The Jew in Canada, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p4. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: Mokotoff, Gary. Getting Started in Jewish Genealogy: 2010 Version, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p4. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Shapiro, Shmuel Mayer. The Rise of the Toronto Jewish Community, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p4. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
North African Jews, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Africa; Books and Periodicals; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
Tracing Our Roots, Telling Our Stories, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p5. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; JGS; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: Gladstone, Bill. A History of the Jewish Community of London, Ontario: From the 1850’s to the Present Day, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p6. Author: Walter Zimmerman. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: One Hundred Years at the Junction Shul, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada; Synagogues; Institutions. Download: PDF.
Review: The Arrogant Years: One Girl’s Search for her Lost Youth, from Cairo to Brooklyn, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; United States; Africa. Download: PDF.
How to Read Shem Tov on a Tablet, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p10. Author: Neil Richler. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
A Jewish View of San Fransisco, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p4. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Books and Periodicals; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
And They Didn’t Fall Asleep, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p1. Author: Myrna Neuringer Levy. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Hello, Columbus: A Jewish Perspective, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; United States; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Fiesta de las Kandelikas, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Preserving History, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p3. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Commemoration; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
The Yiddish Book Centre, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p5. Subjects: United States; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Tracing Our Roots, Telling Our Stories Donated to Institutions in Europe, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p5. Author: Myrna Neuringer Levy. Subjects: JGS; Books and Periodicals; Germany; Poland; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Dr. Rolf Lederer: A Vital Part of JGS Toronto, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p4. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Trace of th Past–Montreal’s Early Synagogues, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Portland, Oregan’s Sephardic Jewish Heritage, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Members Showcased at Beth Tikvah During Jewish Book Month, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p4. Author: Myrna Neuringer Levy. Subjects: JGS; Books and Periodicals; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Rare Canadian Jewish Comic Book Found, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p7. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Branching Out, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p9. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Research. Download: PDF.
Isme Bennie Releases Book on Growing Up Jewish in South Africa, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p5. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
“As it is Written”: Judaic Treasures from the Thomas Rare Book Library, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
New Book by Myrna Levy, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p8. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
“Who Are You? Where Did You Come From?”, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Branching Out, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p7. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Research; Books and Periodicals; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
A New 1938 Vilna Vegetarian Cookbook, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Genealogy Book for Children, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p10. Subject: Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
The Frank and Anita Ekstein Holocaust Resource Collection at the Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Fast-Tracking!, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p9. Author: Isme Bennie. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
British Isles
Four Sources in Anglo-Jewish Research, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p3. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: British Isles; Methodology. Download: PDF.
A Concise History of Jews in Glasgow, Scotland, March 1994, Vol. X, No. 1, p1. Author: Kenneth Collins. Subjects: British Isles; Immigration and Passenger Records; Cemeteries and Burials; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Information in the Jewish Chronicle, March 1995, Vol. XI, No. 1, p6. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; British Isles; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Jews of Merthyr, Wales and Woodstock, Ontario, March 1996, Vol. XII, No. 1, p1. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: British Isles; Immigration and Passenger Records; Canada. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Population in the 1851 Religious Census of Great Britain, March 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 1, p8. Author: Glen Eker. Subject: British Isles. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Information in the Censuses of Great Britain, September 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 3, p1. Author: Glen Eker. Subject: British Isles. Download: PDF.
The Genealogy and Family Tree of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, December 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 4, p10. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: British Isles; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Research. Download: PDF.
Acquisition by the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (Jerusalem) of the Register of the London Great & New Synagogues, March 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 1, p11. Author: Esther Ramon. Subjects: British Isles; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Southampton University’s Jewish Archives, June 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 2, p5. Authors: Karen Robson; Henry Wellisch. Subjects: British Isles; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
The Etobicoke Family History Centre Record Collection, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p5. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Canada; British Isles. Download: PDF.
Civil Registration Changes, June 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, p3. Author: Laurence Harris. Subjects: British Isles; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Wenzerul, Rosemary, ed. A Guide to Jewish Genealogy in the United Kingdom, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p9. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; British Isles. Download: PDF.
Events Marking Holocaust History, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p2. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Holocaust; Germany; Czech Republic and Slovakia; British Isles. Download: PDF.
London Jewish Museum, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p4. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: British Isles; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
The Accidental Archivist: Irish Jewish Records, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p6. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: British Isles; Research. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p9. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada; Baltic Countries; Holocaust; British Isles. Download: PDF.
The Jews of Saskatchewan, June 1985, Vol. I, No. 2, p1. Author: Goldie Wallensky. Subject: Canada. Download: PDF.
JIAS – Halifax, October 1987, Vol. III, No. 1, p2. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Record of Reunions, December 1987, Vol. III, No. 2, p2. Subject: Canada. Download: PDF.
Toronto Landsmanschaften, December 1988, Vol. IV, No. 3, p4. Author: Joel Verbin. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Ontario Jewish Resource Directory, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p5. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Canada; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Pape Avenue Cemetery: Some Preliminary Findings, December 1990, Vol. VI, No. 4, p1. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Jewish Cemeteries in Ontario, March 1991, Vol. VII, No. 1, p4. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: Hart, Daniel. The Jew in Canada, March 1991, Vol. VII, No. 1, p6. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
How to obtain passenger lists, March 1991, Vol. VII, No. 1, p7. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Godfrey, Sheldon. Burn This Gossip, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p8. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Benjamin’s Park Memorial Chapel, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Toronto Cemeteries, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Winnipeg, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p4. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Canada. Download: PDF.
Did You Know…?, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p10. Author: George Emery. Subjects: Canada; Law. Download: PDF.
“A” Is For Archives, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p3. Author: Howard Markus. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
What’s Doing in Winnipeg, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Strangers In A Strange Land: The Myers Family of New Brunswick, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p5. Author: Neil Yetwin. Subjects: Research; Canada. Download: PDF.
Toronto Jewish Cemeteries: a history, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p7. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
From Suwalki to St. John’s, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p9. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Some genealogical resources in Montreal, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p10. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Synagogues of Toronto, 1926 (images), June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Synagogues; Canada. Download: PDF.
MHSO has rich Jewish collection, September 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Tracing Jewish Immigrants in Toronto, 1890 – 1935, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p3. Author: Deena Nathanson. Subjects: Canada; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Vital Statistics Indexes on Microfilm at Ontario Archives, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p14. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Q&A: Canadian Passenger Lists and Citizenship Records, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p15. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Canada. Download: PDF.
The Archives of Ontario: A capsule summary of some relevant holdings, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p4. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Review: Tapper, Lawrence. A Bibliographical Dictionary of Canadian Jewry, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p13. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Jews helped settle Canada, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p10. Author: Dee Kramer. Subject: Canada. Download: PDF.
Listing the Jews from the 1901 Census (& Earlier), June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p15. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Research; Methodology. Download: PDF.
“Lost” Synagogues Found, September 1993, Vol. IX, No. 3, p4. Subjects: Canada; Synagogues; Methodology. Download: PDF.
What Do the Canadian Censuses of 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891 & 1901 Tell Us About the Jews of Toronto?, September 1993, Vol. IX, No. 3, p9. Author: Glen Eker. Subject: Canada. Download: PDF.
A Source of Pre-1900 Printed Canadiana: The Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions on microfiche, September 1993, Vol. IX, No. 3, p11. Author: Clifford Duxbury-Collier. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Oddities in the 1901 Census of Montreal and Quebec City, September 1994, Vol. X, No. 3, p1. Author: Glen Eker. Subject: Canada. Download: PDF.
A Short History of the Jews of Newfoundland, December 1994, Vol. X, No. 4, p10. Author: Glen Eker. Subject: Canada. Download: PDF.
Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal is a Reality, March 1995, Vol. XI, No. 1, p9. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subject: Canada. Download: PDF.
How Useful Are Canadian Ship Manifests to Genealogical Research, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p1. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records; Methodology. Download: PDF.
A Fresh Look at Nine of Canada’s Earliest Jewish Families, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p2. Author: Anne Joseph. Subjects: Canada; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
The Jews of Merthyr, Wales and Woodstock, Ontario, March 1996, Vol. XII, No. 1, p1. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: British Isles; Immigration and Passenger Records; Canada. Download: PDF.
Canadian Naturalization Records as a Source of Genealogical Information, March 1996, Vol. XII, No. 1, p8. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Jews of Toronto, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p1. Author: W. L. M. King. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Using City of Toronto Assessment Records To Help Solve A Genealogical Research Problem, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p4. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Methodology; Research. Download: PDF.
Canadian Naturalization Records as a Source of Genealogical Information, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p7. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Methodology; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
The Records of the Baron de Hirsch Institute, 1892 – 1914: A Genealogical Resource, December 1996, Vol. XII, No. 4, p10. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
HowTo Obtain Ontario Vital Statistics Records, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p1. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Canadian Archives on the Web, September 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 3, p4. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
A Childhood Fantasy, December 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 4, p4. Author: Lily Poritz Miller. Subjects: Research; Canada. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Research Problems in the 1921, 1935, and 1945 Censuses of Newfoundland, March 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 1, p4. Author: Glen Eker. Subject: Canada. Download: PDF.
Jewish Vital Records Research in Québec, June 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 2, p1. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Canada; Law; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Historical Society of the Yukon, June 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 2, p6. Subject: Canada. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Information in Canadian First World War Military Records, September 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 3, p4. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Military Records; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Sources for Civil Records in Canada, September 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 3, p5. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Jewish Archives in Canada, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p5. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
The Etobicoke Family History Centre Record Collection, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p5. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Canada; British Isles. Download: PDF.
Ontario Certificates, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Canada; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The British Columbia Archives, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Review: Felsen, Vivian. Montreal of Yesterday: Jewish Life in Montreal, 1900–1920, December 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 4, p11. Author: Zachary Baker. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: Klein, Ruth and Frank Dimant, eds. From Immigration to Integration – The Canadian Jewish Experience: A Millennium Edition, December 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Toronto 2002 A Smashing Success!, September 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 3, p1. Author: Garry Stein. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Canada. Download: PDF.
The Horowitz and Strachman Families in Toronto, Part one: A Genealogy and History, December 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, p1. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Research; Romania and Moldavia; Canada. Download: PDF.
National Archives of Canada Improves 1901 Census Site, December 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Toronto’s Tombstones: An Old Cemetery Reveals Interesting History, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p1. Authors: N. Shemen; Ben Kayfetz. Subjects: Canada; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
The Use of Land Titles Records for Genealogical Research, September 2004, Vol. XX, No. 3, p4. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Methodology; Canada. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Population of Canada, September 2004, Vol. XX, No. 3, p10. Author: N.W. Goldstein. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Jewish Synagogues: The Religious Home in Toronto of God’s Ancient People, December 2004, Vol. XX, No. 4, p1. Author: J. Ross Robertson. Subjects: Canada; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Becoming Canadian: Jewish Immigration to Toronto, 1900-1930, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Canada. Download: PDF.
Ontario Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p4. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Canada; Methodology; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Of Landsmanshaften and Ice-Cream Parlours: Self-Help Groups in the Toronto Jewish Community, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p8. Subject: Canada. Download: PDF.
Naturalization Irregularities, December 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 4, p5. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Canada. Download: PDF.
Treasure Trove of German-Jewish Journals On-Line, December 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 4, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada; Germany. Download: PDF.
The Hooper-Driscoll Family of Early Toronto, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Canada; Research. Download: PDF.
What Canadians Need to Know About Completing the 2006 Census, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p3. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Canada; Law. Download: PDF.
The Rotenberg Ledger, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p6. Authors: Harvey Glasner; Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Methodology; Canada. Download: PDF.
Toronto Landsmanshaften: The Farband of Lithuanian and Latvian Jews, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p10. Subjects: Canada; Baltic Countries; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Minsk and Beaches Shuls Added to Web Site, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada. Download: PDF.
Looking for a Batkis in a Haystack: Using Jewish Genealogical Resources From Western Canada, September 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 3, p1. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Research; Canada. Download: PDF.
Canadian News From Over a Hundred Years Ago, December 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 4, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada; Media. Download: PDF.
The Nanaimo Family History Society’s Passenger Lists Indexing Project, March 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, p1. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Canada. Download: PDF.
Finding Uncle George, March 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, p8. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Research; Canada. Download: PDF.
Early Jewish Doctors in Toronto, June 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, p1. Author: Cyril Gryfe. Subject: Canada. Download: PDF.
Jews in Canada’s Armed Forces, Part I, June 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, p5. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Canada; Military Records. Download: PDF.
Jews in Canada’s Armed Forces, Part II, September 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Military Records; Canada. Download: PDF.
Toronto’s First Synagogues – A “Virtual” Treasure Trove, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p1. Author: Ellen Scheinberg. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Carved in Stone: The Founding Families of the Ostrovtzer Synagogue, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p1. Author: Cyril Gryfe. Subjects: Canada; Jewish Names; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
What’s in the Archives of Ontario… and how do I find it?, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p10. Author: Jane MacNamara. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Update on Digital Photography at Toronto’s Old Jewish Cemeteries, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p6. Author: David Trost. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Consecrated Ground was Essential for the First Jews Who Came to Toronto and Stayed, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p7. Author: Stuart Laidlaw. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
That’s My Family – A Canadian Genealogy Search Engine, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p11. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
A Golden Discovery of Judaism in the North: A Century-old Jewish Cemetery, Uncovered 10 Years Ago, is one of Few Reminders of the Population’s Contribution to the Gold Rush, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p5. Author: Gary Mason. Subjects: Canada; Cemeteries and Burials; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Information About Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p7. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
1891 Canadian Census is Now Online, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Dr. Stephen Speisman z”ll: An Appreciation, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p5. Author: Ellen Scheinberg. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Marking Toronto Jewish History, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Christie Pits: Thousands battled in Canada’s worst anti-Semite riots (3 Dec. 1992), March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p6. Subjects: Holocaust; Canada. Download: PDF.
Who Controls the Information In My Family Tree and How Do I Get Access To That Information?, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p5. Author: Margaret Wilkinson. Subjects: Law; Canada. Download: PDF.
Resting Places in Turmoil? The State of Jewish Burial Societies, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p3. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; United States; Canada. Download: PDF.
New Archives of Ontario Facility, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p7. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Jews in Unexpected Places?, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p8. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Canada; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Pier 21 Halifax to Become a National Museum of Immigration, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p8. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Review: McGrath, Robin. Salt Fish & Shmattes: A History of the Jews in Newfoundland and Labrador from 1770., September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p9. Author: Norman Ravvin. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Community of Owen Sound, Ontario, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p1. Author: Betty Sherwood. Subject: Canada. Download: PDF.
Familial Cancer in Jewish Women, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: DNA and Genetics; Canada. Download: PDF.
City of Toronto Research From The Comfort Of… Anywhere!, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
All About Toronto, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p1. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Seeking Answer to Newfoundland Request, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Research; Canada. Download: PDF.
Galicia Jewish Museum, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p5. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
1928 Berlin Salon Recreated At Kiever Shul, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p8. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Germany; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Old CJNs on Multicultural Canada Website, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Review: Easterbrook, Ian. Peddlers in Wellington County: Good Luck This Morning, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p4. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
New: Abridged Facsimile Edition of The Jew of Canada from 1926, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p5. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Tour of the Ontario Archives, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p10. Author: Myrna Neuringer Levy. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: Hart, Arthur Daniel, comp. The Jew in Canada, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p4. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Mount Sinai Cemetery, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p7. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: Shapiro, Shmuel Mayer. The Rise of the Toronto Jewish Community, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p4. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p9. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada; Baltic Countries; Holocaust; British Isles. Download: PDF.
News from the Archives of Ontario, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p10. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
News from Pier 21, Halifax, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Parks Canada’s Canadian Register of Historic Places, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: Canada. Download: PDF.
A Summer of Shem Tov, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p5. Author: Sara Tatelman. Subjects: JGS; Indices; Research; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Shem Tov Scanning and Indexing Project, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p7. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: JGS; Indices; Research; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Project Update, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p4. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Tracing Our Roots, Telling Our Stories, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p5. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; JGS; Canada. Download: PDF.
Searching for the Babies, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p6. Author: Debbie Sacrob. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
New Blog From Library & Archives Canada, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Calgary’s Congregation House of Jacob, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p10. Author: Betty Sherwood. Subjects: Synagogues; Canada. Download: PDF.
Lessons From A Genealogical Sleuth: Who was Charles Zweling? Part 1, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p1. Author: Neil Richler. Subjects: Research; Canada; Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Review: Gladstone, Bill. A History of the Jewish Community of London, Ontario: From the 1850’s to the Present Day, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p6. Author: Walter Zimmerman. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada. Download: PDF.
Ontario’s Jewish Heritage Month, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p1. Subjects: Canada; Law; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Lessons From a Genealogical Sleuth – Part 2, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p4. Author: Neil Richler. Subjects: Research; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: One Hundred Years at the Junction Shul, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada; Synagogues; Institutions. Download: PDF.
The Story of Canadian Diplomat Klaus Goldschlag, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Germany; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Report, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p11. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subjects: Canada; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Toronto-Centric, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p11. Subjects: Canada; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Family Story vs. Ship Manifest, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p12. Author: Lil Blume. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
World War II Enemy Aliens, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p3. Subjects: Canada; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
The Joys and Challenges of Genealogy, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p8. Author: Valerie Miller Fox. Subjects: Canada; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
The History of JGS Toronto’s Cemetery Project, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p12. Author: Gert Solnik Rogers. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Announcing the Passing of Ruth Goldbloom, Co-Founder of Pier 21 Society, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Institutions. Download: PDF.
Ninety Years Young, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p12. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Canada; JGS. Download: PDF.
Bella & Max Wilder: Reflections, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p3. Author: Sandee Sharpe. Subjects: Writing; Poland; Canada. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p7. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada; Poland. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Update, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p11. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
An Early Jew in Toronto: Jacob Maier Hirschfelder, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Canada; Germany; Research. Download: PDF.
Historical Maps of Toronto, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p3. Author: Nathan Ng. Subjects: Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Bella & Max Wilder: Reflections II, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p4. Author: Sandee Sharpe. Subjects: Writing; Canada. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Canada; Research. Download: PDF.
On a Personal Note: My Journey Back to Cecil Street, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p7. Author: Deborah Sacrob. Subjects: Writing; Canada; Institutions. Download: PDF.
Jewish Heritage Month Ontario, May 2013: A Pictoral Review, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p8. Subjects: Canada; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Hamilton Project Tells Stories of Jewish Working Families, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p5. Subjects: Canada; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Arts. Download: PDF.
Announcements from Library and Archives Canada, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p7. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Precious Legacy: Celebration of Life, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p4. Subjects: Canada; Holocaust; Arts. Download: PDF.
New: JewishGen Canada Database, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Methodology; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada. Download: PDF.
In the Gallery at the Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p10. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Report, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p12. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; JGS; Canada. Download: PDF.
Art Spiegelman Retrospective Comes to AGO, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p3. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Media. Download: PDF.
All That Jazz, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Media. Download: PDF.
National Holocaust Monument to Be Built in Ottawa, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
At Toronto Fringe Festival, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Canada; Media; Writing. Download: PDF.
Trace of th Past–Montreal’s Early Synagogues, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Do You Like a Genealogical Challenge? Take Part in MEMPLAQ!, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p6. Author: Marla Waltman. Subjects: Canada; Synagogues; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Pier 21 Exhibit at Markham Museum, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
The Goldhammer Family, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p7. Author: Jack Freeman. Subjects: Research; Significance of genealogy; Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Online Databases: Quebec Vital Records, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p9. Author: Neil Richler. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada. Download: PDF.
Special Celebrations for Toronto’s Rabbi Erwin Schild, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p9. Subjects: Synagogues; Canada. Download: PDF.
A Tour of the Past: Harbord Village, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p11. Author: Isme Bennie. Subjects: Research; Media; Canada. Download: PDF.
New Video Wall to Preserve Stories of Baycrest Seniors for Generations to Come, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p15. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Jamaican Jewish Genealogy, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p1. Author: Anthony MacFarlane. Subject: Caribbean. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p9. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Caribbean; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
Jews Of The Caribbean & Region, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Caribbean; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Cemeteries and Burials
Cemetery Project, October 1987, Vol. III, No. 1, p1. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; JGS. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Projects, December 1987, Vol. III, No. 2, p1. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; JGS. Download: PDF.
A Genealogist’s Gold Rush …. ?, June 1988, Vol. IV, No. 1, p5. Author: Bernie Morris. Subjects: United States; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Cemetery project, June 1989, Vol. V, No. 2, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; JGS. Download: PDF.
The Weissensee Records, December 1989, Vol. V, No. 4, p1. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Germany. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Project Update, December 1989, Vol. V, No. 4, p2. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; JGS. Download: PDF.
The cemetery project of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Toronto – a review, June 1990, Vol. VI, No. 2, p3. Subjects: JGS; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
The Weissensee Cemetery Records, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p1. Subject: Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Hamburg Jewish Cemetery, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p2. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Germany. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Cemetery of Chust, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p3. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Pape Avenue Cemetery: Some Preliminary Findings, December 1990, Vol. VI, No. 4, p1. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Jewish Cemeteries in Ontario, March 1991, Vol. VII, No. 1, p4. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Burial Society Records and Membership Lists as a Genealogical Resource, March 1991, Vol. VII, No. 1, p5. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subject: Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Benjamin’s Park Memorial Chapel, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Toronto Cemeteries, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Our Cemetery Committee’s Progress At Roselawn, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p5. Authors: Gert Rogers; Bill Gladstone. Subjects: JGS; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Q&A: Indigent burials and Sephardic Search, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
Toronto Jewish Cemeteries: a history, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p7. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
From Suwalki to St. John’s, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p9. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Surveying the Jewish Cemeteries of Poland, September 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 3, p5. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Poland; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Our Progress at Roselawn Cemetery, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p14. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subjects: JGS; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Indexing Jewish Cemeteries, December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p4. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
A Concise History of Jews in Glasgow, Scotland, March 1994, Vol. X, No. 1, p1. Author: Kenneth Collins. Subjects: British Isles; Immigration and Passenger Records; Cemeteries and Burials; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Committee Report, September 1994, Vol. X, No. 3, p7. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subjects: JGS; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Uncovering My Family Roots, December 1994, Vol. X, No. 4, p7. Author: Nora Freund. Subjects: Research; Cemeteries and Burials; Czech Republic and Slovakia. Download: PDF.
The Endingen-Lengnau Jewish Cemetery, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p11. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Switzerland; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
The Largest Computerized Jewish Burial Register In The World, September 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 3, p10. Author: Gudrun Sailer. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Solomons of Cooktown, Australia and the Internet, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p6. Author: Valerie Miller Fox. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Significance of genealogy; Research. Download: PDF.
Judaica Poloniae: Notes from my trip to Poland, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p1. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Poland; Research; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Cemeteries of Vienna, June 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 2, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Austria; Methodology. Download: PDF.
My Trip To My Father’s Shtetl: A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity, March 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, p1. Author: Harold Nissenthall. Subjects: Research; Poland; Cemeteries and Burials; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
The Restoration of the Cemetery of Ozerov, June 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Poland. Download: PDF.
Toronto’s Tombstones: An Old Cemetery Reveals Interesting History, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p1. Authors: N. Shemen; Ben Kayfetz. Subjects: Canada; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
How to Use the Roselawn Cemetery Sketch Map with the Data from JOWBR, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p10. Author: Diane Krieger. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Project Status, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p4. Subjects: JGS; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Finding Burials on JewishGen: How to “JOWBR”, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p8. Author: David Trost. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Overwhelming Response to Toronto Star Column!, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p6. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: JGS; Media; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Update on Digital Photography at Toronto’s Old Jewish Cemeteries, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p6. Author: David Trost. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Consecrated Ground was Essential for the First Jews Who Came to Toronto and Stayed, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p7. Author: Stuart Laidlaw. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
A Golden Discovery of Judaism in the North: A Century-old Jewish Cemetery, Uncovered 10 Years Ago, is one of Few Reminders of the Population’s Contribution to the Gold Rush, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p5. Author: Gary Mason. Subjects: Canada; Cemeteries and Burials; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Resting Places in Turmoil? The State of Jewish Burial Societies, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p3. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; United States; Canada. Download: PDF.
Jews in Unexpected Places?, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p8. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Canada; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Bill 149, The Inactive Cemeteries Act, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p5. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Law. Download: PDF.
Update on European Cemeteries, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Poland; Holocaust; Austria. Download: PDF.
United States Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Cemeteries and Burials; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
The Latest From Steve Lasky’s Museum of Family History, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p9. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Spotlight On Our Members: Kevin Hanit and Alan Halberstadt, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p11. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; JGS. Download: PDF.
Mount Sinai Cemetery, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p7. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Project Update, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p9. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subjects: JGS; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Project Update, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p4. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Searching for the Babies, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p6. Author: Debbie Sacrob. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Report, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p11. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subjects: Canada; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Treading on Sacred Ground, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p7. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Cemeteries and Burials; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Project Update, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p11. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subject: Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
The History of JGS Toronto’s Cemetery Project, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p12. Author: Gert Solnik Rogers. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Jewish Culture to be Found in Armenia Near Medieval Jewish Cemetery, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p7. Author: Jan Meisels Allen. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Update, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p11. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada. Download: PDF.
Headstones Converted to Quarry Stones: The Decimation of Barcelona’s Jews, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Report, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p12. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; JGS; Canada. Download: PDF.
A Tribute to Allen Halberstadt z”‘, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p1. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Commemoration; Cemeteries and Burials; JGS. Download: PDF.
Do You Like a Genealogical Challenge? Take Part in MEMPLAQ!, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p6. Author: Marla Waltman. Subjects: Canada; Synagogues; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Digitizing Cemeteries: MyHeritage is at it Again (With Friends!), December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p12. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Israel; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Jewish Headstones Discovered in Brest, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p12. Subjects: Belarus; Cemeteries and Burials; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p12. Subjects: Poland; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
New Documentary about Rabbi’s “Cemetery” in Bialystok, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p12. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Poland; Media. Download: PDF.
Central and South America
Lion Hunting in Canada, December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p1. Author: Ralph Bennett. Subjects: Research; Central and South America; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Surprise Wedding Guest, December 1995, Vol. XI, No. 4, p9. Author: Sheryl Erenberg. Subjects: Research; Central and South America. Download: PDF.
Notes from the Nevada Conference, September 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 3, p6. Author: Sharon Singer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Central and South America; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Rafael Goldchain: My Family – Photographic Memories and Fictions, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p3. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Central and South America; Poland; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
George Mantello Saved Jews During WWII With El Salvador Citizenship Certificates, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Central and South America; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
It’s in the Genes: Study of Ecuadorian Villagers with Jewish Roots, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p5. Subjects: DNA and Genetics; Central and South America. Download: PDF.
My Chilean Connection, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p11. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Central and South America; DNA and Genetics. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Research; Central and South America; Poland. Download: PDF.
A Golden Discovery of Judaism in the North: A Century-old Jewish Cemetery, Uncovered 10 Years Ago, is one of Few Reminders of the Population’s Contribution to the Gold Rush, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p5. Author: Gary Mason. Subjects: Canada; Cemeteries and Burials; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Marking Toronto Jewish History, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Holocaust Memorials, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p11. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Holocaust; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
United States Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Cemeteries and Burials; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
1928 Berlin Salon Recreated At Kiever Shul, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p8. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Germany; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
From the White House: President and First Lady Host White House Jewish Heritage Month Reception, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p10. Subjects: United States; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Lithuanian Jews on Postage Stamps, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Media; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Jewish American Heritage Month May, 2011, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p8. Subjects: United States; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
World Premiere of the Oratorio A Melancholy Beauty At Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Rabbi Gunther Plaut: In Memoriam, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p5. Subject: Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Ontario’s Jewish Heritage Month, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p1. Subjects: Canada; Law; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Toronto-Centric, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p11. Subjects: Canada; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Preserving History, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p3. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Commemoration; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Jewish Heritage Month Ontario, May 2013: A Pictoral Review, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p8. Subjects: Canada; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
A Tribute to Allen Halberstadt z”‘, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p1. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Commemoration; Cemeteries and Burials; JGS. Download: PDF.
Computers, Internet Sources, Software
Too many bytes – no bites…?, June 1989, Vol. V, No. 2, p2. Author: Peter Cullman. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Choosing a Genealogy Program, December 1989, Vol. V, No. 4, p6. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Computerized Family Tree, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p7. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Computer Genealogy, December 1990, Vol. VI, No. 4, p4. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Genealogy Software: A Review, June 1991, Vol. VII, No. 2, p3. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Robarts’ On-Line, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p2. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Brother’s Keeper is faster and improved, September 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 3, p10. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Software Review, Roots IV, June 1994, Vol. X, No. 2, p10. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Computer Commentary, March 1995, Vol. XI, No. 1, p10. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
New Web Site for Russian Poland Research, March 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 1, p11. Subjects: Poland; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
HaMagid Records on CD-ROM, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p7. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; JGS. Download: PDF.
Yad Vashem on the Web, September 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 3, p9. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
The Largest Computerized Jewish Burial Register In The World, September 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 3, p10. Author: Gudrun Sailer. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Reaching The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum On The Internet, September 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 3, p11. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Jewish Genealogy on the Internet, March 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 1, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
How to Self-Publish Your Family Tree Through the Magic of Computers, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p4. Author: Larry Gaum. Subjects: Publishing a Family History; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Print-On-Demand Publisher: Publishing Your Genealogy Book, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p5. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Publishing a Family History; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
The New, Expanded, Wonderful RootsWeb, March 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 1, p10. Author: Marian Press. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
The Six Cs of Effective Genealogical E-mail, September 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 3, p8. Subjects: Methodology; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
New Eastern European Archival Database, June 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, p4. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Two Historic Polish Directories Now Online, June 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 2, p7. Author: Ronald Bachman. Subjects: Poland; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
30 Genealogy Websites, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p6. Author: David Price. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Useful Web Sites for Ukrainian Genealogy, March 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 1, p11. Author: Leslie Kelman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
Notes from the Nevada Conference, September 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 3, p6. Author: Sharon Singer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Central and South America; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Treasure Trove of German-Jewish Journals On-Line, December 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 4, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada; Germany. Download: PDF.
Finding Genealogy Gems Online, December 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 4, p11. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Minsk and Beaches Shuls Added to Web Site, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada. Download: PDF.
The Enduring Myth: My Town Was Destroyed, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p5. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Poland; Research. Download: PDF.
How to Use the Roselawn Cemetery Sketch Map with the Data from JOWBR, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p10. Author: Diane Krieger. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Finding Burials on JewishGen: How to “JOWBR”, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p8. Author: David Trost. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Eastman’s Rules of Posting Genealogical Information Online, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p9. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology; Law. Download: PDF.
Ancestry Library Edition, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p5. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
A Digitized Version of the Frankfort Memorbuch, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p7. Author: Jan Allen. Subjects: Germany; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation Survivor Interviews, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p3. Subjects: Holocaust; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
160,000 New Record Indices Searchable on JRI-Poland, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p4. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Update on Digital Photography at Toronto’s Old Jewish Cemeteries, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p6. Author: David Trost. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Diaspora Museum Offers Genealogy Database, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p11. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Israel. Download: PDF.
That’s My Family – A Canadian Genealogy Search Engine, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p11. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Theresienstadt Database at Czech Site, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p2. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Information About Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p7. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
1891 Canadian Census is Now Online, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Launches New Website, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p12. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: JGS; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Report on Internet Resources Workshop, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p12. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
A Resource for Discovering Where Relatives Lived, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p1. Author: Logan Kleinwaks. Subjects: Methodology; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
World Webcams: Visit Your Ancestral Towns Without Jetlag, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p2. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Genealogy Websites, Past and Present, and the Impact of Social Interaction Networks, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p4. Author: Henry Blumberg. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Family Surname Timelines on Google, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p3. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
All About Facebook, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p6. Author: JGS of Conejo Valley and Ventura County (California). Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
August 27, 2009 Facebook Update, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Create a JewishGen Webpage for Your Ancestral Sephardic Community, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Points To Consider Before Subscribing to Facebook, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p7. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Canadian Naturalization Database, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Footnote.com and U.S. National Archives Holocaust Collection Update, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p10. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Shoah Connector, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p11. Author: Debbie Raff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Research. Download: PDF.
Review: Lynch, Daniel. Google Your Family Tree: Unlock the Hidden Power of Google, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
City of Toronto Research From The Comfort Of… Anywhere!, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
All About Toronto, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p1. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p3. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Western Europe; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Baltic Countries; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
JewishGen’s Success! Stories Website, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Research. Download: PDF.
Library and Archives of Canada: Microform Digitization of Records, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
London Jewish Museum, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p4. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: British Isles; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Beit Hatfutsot: The Nahum Goldmann Museum of the Jewish Diaspora, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Israel; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
New to the Anne Frank Museum & Website, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p7. Subjects: Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
The Latest From Steve Lasky’s Museum of Family History, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p9. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Old CJNs on Multicultural Canada Website, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Spotlight On Our Members: Kevin Hanit and Alan Halberstadt, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p11. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; JGS. Download: PDF.
A Fateful Choice of Software, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p7. Author: Daniel Held. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Research. Download: PDF.
JewishGen and MyHeritage.com Collaborate To Build the Family Tree of the Jewish People, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p10. Author: Daniel Horowitz. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
At The Center For Jewish History (CJH) and YIVO In New York City, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
New From the Israel Genealogical Society, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p12. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Israel. Download: PDF.
New Cooperation Agreement Between JRI-Poland and the Virtual Shtetl Portal of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p6. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
A Visit to the Center for Jewish History, NY, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Nazi-Looted Art Objects, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p11. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p9. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada; Baltic Countries; Holocaust; British Isles. Download: PDF.
Remember Me? A Project of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p1. Subjects: Holocaust; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Yad Vashem, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p3. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Holocaust; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
World Memory Project: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) and Ancestry.com Working Together, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p7. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
A Summer of Shem Tov, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p5. Author: Sara Tatelman. Subjects: JGS; Indices; Research; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Shem Tov Scanning and Indexing Project, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p7. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: JGS; Indices; Research; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
North African Jews, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Africa; Books and Periodicals; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
Jewish Records in Poland, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p4. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Poland; LDS (Mormon) Sources; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
New Blog From Library & Archives Canada, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Sunday Morning at Edithvale With Marian, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Methodology; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p7. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Ukraine; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Chadashot: News From Israel, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p8. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Research; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p9. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Czech Republic and Slovakia; France; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
How to Read Shem Tov on a Tablet, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p10. Author: Neil Richler. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p7. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p7. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada; Poland. Download: PDF.
New YIVO Website: Online Guide to YIVO Archives, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p7. Author: Jan Meisels Allen. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Announcement from JRI-Poland, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p9. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Poland; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Historical Maps of Toronto, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p3. Author: Nathan Ng. Subjects: Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p11. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Media; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
JRI-Poland Search Results Linked to 74 Town Inventory Folders with Digital Images, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p4. Author: David Price. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Featuring JGS Toronto’s Website: www.jgstoronto.com, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p1. Authors: Shelley Stillman; Judy Kasman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; JGS. Download: PDF.
New: JewishGen Canada Database, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Methodology; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada. Download: PDF.
GenTeam Adds Nearly Half a Million Birth/Marriage/Death Records from Austria, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p10. Author: Dick Eastman. Subjects: Austria; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
New York City’s Tenement Museum, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p11. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
The Archives of Ontario, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
How Stories Bridge Cultures and Families: The Treelines.com Story, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p8. Author: Tammy Hepps. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Yiddish LIT Goes Digital, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p10. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Research. Download: PDF.
JRI-Poland and the Museum fot the History of Polish Jews Announce New Agreement, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p1. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Isreal Genealogy Research Association’s New Databases, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p11. Subjects: Israel; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Time Travel Project at the National Library of Israel, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Israel; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Research. Download: PDF.
What’s Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy from Avotaynu, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p12. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Media; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Cheshvan is Internationa Jewish Genealogy Month, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p1. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Jewishgen’s Memorial Plaque Project, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p8. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Family Finder, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p10. Author: Gert Rogers. Subjects: JGS; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Website: Members Only Feature, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p10. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: JGS; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
The Memory Finder, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p11. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Digitized Vital Record Images are Now Online–Can Anyone Read Them?, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p8. Author: David Price. Subjects: Research; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Poland. Download: PDF.
Sharing Your Family Treet Online, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p10. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; JGS. Download: PDF.
Using Google Calendar on JGS Toronto Website, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p10. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; JGS. Download: PDF.
Digitizing Cemeteries: MyHeritage is at it Again (With Friends!), December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p12. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Israel; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Free Genealogy Websites Hit Parade, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p8. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Online Databases: Quebec Vital Records, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p9. Author: Neil Richler. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada. Download: PDF.
American Joint Distribution Committee’s Searchable Records, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p10. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Dubossary Yizkor Book, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p11. Author: Sarah Faerman. Subjects: Research; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
IGRA Site Now Has Nealy 500,000 Records, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p2. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Thirty-Seven Digitized Databases of Interest, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p6. Subject: Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
London Jewish Book Fair & Family Festival, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p16. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops
Highlights of the Seventh Jewish Genealogical Summer Seminar, September 1988, Vol. IV, No. 2, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; United States. Download: PDF.
Landsmannschaften, September 1988, Vol. IV, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Ninth Annual Jewish Genealogy Seminar in L.A. ends on a high note, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Toronto’s First Jewish Genealogy Workshop, March 1991, Vol. VII, No. 1, p1. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
A Successful Gathering, June 1991, Vol. VII, No. 2, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
1991 Summer Seminar, Salt Lake City, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p7. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Miriam Weiner: She Came, She Saw, She Conquered, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p1. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Winnipeg, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p4. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Canada. Download: PDF.
Report from New York, September 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 3, p1. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
“Next Year in Toronto!”, September 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 3, p3. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; JGS. Download: PDF.
Calling All Katzenellenbogens!, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p1. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Summer Seminar Update, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p6. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; JGS. Download: PDF.
Participants Explore Ancestral Treasure-Chests At 4-Day Jewish Genealogy Seminar in Toronto, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p1. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Rediscovering Jewish Roots in Toronto, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p3. Authors: Alexander Kronick; Katerina Kronick. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Gary Mokotoff Delivers Latest News from Jewish Genealogical World, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p6. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Sallyann Sack Describes Massive Hungarian-Jewish Family Tree Project, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p7. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Hungary. Download: PDF.
Cymbler Sums Up Polish-Jewish Sources, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p13. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Report on the Austro-Hungarian Birds of a Feather, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p13. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Austria. Download: PDF.
Indexing Jewish Cemeteries, December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p4. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Tempest in a Samovar Or The Ugly American Genealogist?, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p9. Author: Karen Fejer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Ukraine; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
International Jewish Genealogists Meet In Boston, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p3. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Our Monthly Meeting Held At The State Archives, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p8. Author: Hagid Matras. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Israel. Download: PDF.
5th International Seminar on Jewish Genealogy, September 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 3, p9. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Hollywood “Chai”: The 18th Annual Seminar on Jewish Genealogy, September 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 3, p1. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Hollywood “Chai”: Lectures and Meetings of Special Interest Groups, September 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 3, p11. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Jewish Genealogists Take a Bite Out of the Big Apple, September 1999, Vol. XV, No. 3, p1. Author: Garry Stein. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
20th International Conference on Jewish Genealogy: Salt Lake City, Utah, July 9 -14, 2000, March 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 1, p4. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Toronto and Canada Stand at the Top of the Mountain: A Report on the 20th International Conference of Jewish Genealogy, September 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 3, p1. Author: Garry Stein. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; LDS (Mormon) Sources. Download: PDF.
The 21st International Conference on Jewish Genealogy: 8–13 July 2001, London, England, September 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 3, p1. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Tips on Attending a Jewish Genealogical Conference, March 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, p6. Author: Florence Kellam. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Some of the Presentations from the IAJGS Conference, August 4-9, 2002, June 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, p6. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Toronto 2002 A Smashing Success!, September 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 3, p1. Author: Garry Stein. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Canada. Download: PDF.
List of Audiotapes of 22nd IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, Toronto 2002, September 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Media. Download: PDF.
IAJGS Achievement Awards – 2002, September 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 3, p12. Author: Hal Bookbinder. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Key Moments in Soviet Archival History, March 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 1, p1. Authors: Ruth Chernia; George Bolotenko. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
The 23rd IAJGS Conference in Washington D.C., September 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 3, p1. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; United States. Download: PDF.
2003 IAJGS Convention, Washington, D.C., September 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 3, p3. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; United States. Download: PDF.
News from the IAJGS Conference, Washington, July 20 – 25, 2003, September 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 3, p4. Author: Merle Kastner. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; United States. Download: PDF.
The Warsaw Ghetto, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Holocaust; Poland; Media. Download: PDF.
The Development of Jewish Names in Central Europe, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p12. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Jewish Names; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Yale Reisner of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland to Speak in Toronto, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p12. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Institutions; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Notes from the Nevada Conference, September 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 3, p6. Author: Sharon Singer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Central and South America; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
26th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy in New York, NY – August 13-18, 2006, September 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 3, p8. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
IAJGS Conference Lectures and Syllabus Available, December 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 4, p12. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Stephen Morse Speaks in Hamilton, September 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, p3. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Methodology. Download: PDF.
IAJGS Board Report on the Salt Lake City Conference, September 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, p11. Author: Anne Feder Lee. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
The Recent IAJGS Conference in Salt Lake City, a Personal Report, September 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, p12. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
JGS Front and Centre at the Second Annual Jewish Mosaic Festival, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p3. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: JGS; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Report on 2008 IAJGS Conference, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p10. Author: Merle Kastner. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
It Happened Long Ago… Sharing Your Family Story, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p6. Author: Myrna Levy. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Holocaust Education Week Programme, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p9. Authors: Judy Kasman; Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Holocaust; Books and Periodicals; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Report on Internet Resources Workshop, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p12. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The History of Ukraine 1740-1940, the Changing Borders and the Jewish Communities of Ukraine During This Time Period, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p10. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Visits the Toronto Reference Library, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p5. Author: Linda Offman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Navigating the 29th IAJGS Conference in Philadelphia, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p10. Author: Henry Blumberg. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Teaching Genealogy From Children to Elders: IAJGS Management Seminar, August 2, 2009, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p11. Author: Judith Ghert. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Writing Jewish Family Stories and Memoirs: Workshop on October 18, 2009, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p9. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Writing. Download: PDF.
Writing Family Memoirs, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p4. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Writing. Download: PDF.
How I Was Won Over by the 2010 Ontario Genealogy Society Conference, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p6. Author: Marla Waltman Daschko. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Methodology. Download: PDF.
A Perspective on the 2010 IAJGS L.A. Conference, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p8. Author: Henry Blumberg. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
The 30th IAJGS Annual Conference: A Personal Perspective, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p8. Author: Evelyn Steinberg. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Yad Vashem, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p3. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Holocaust; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Inter-Generational Workshop for Beth Sholom Religious School, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p5. Author: Lucy Sadowski. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Bennett Greenspan Addressed Our Society on March 23rd, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p9. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
International Association of Jewish Genealogists’ 31st Annual Conference August 14th-19th, 2011 in Washington, D.C., September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p6. Authors: Judy Kasman; Mel Fishman. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
2012 IAJGS Poster Contest Winners, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p1. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Hidden for Decades, Poles Discover their Jewish Roots, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p5. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
And They Didn’t Fall Asleep, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p1. Author: Myrna Neuringer Levy. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Workship, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p3. Author: Debbie Sacrob. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Research. Download: PDF.
Standing Room Only at JGS Toronto’s Holocaust Education Week Event, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p8. Author: Karen Lasky. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Three Programs Combining Music and Genealogy, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Arts. Download: PDF.
The Jews in Poland and Russia: A Lecture by Prof. Antony Polnosky, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p5. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Poland; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Varda Hall Berenstein, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; JGS. Download: PDF.
Our April 24th Special Event at North York Public Library, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p7. Subjects: JGS; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Poland; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Hamilton Project Tells Stories of Jewish Working Families, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p5. Subjects: Canada; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Arts. Download: PDF.
The Boston IAJGS Conference: A highlight of my genealogical year, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p11. Author: Marla Waltman. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Co-Sponsors Holocaust Education Week Closing Programme, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p12. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Holocaust; JGS. Download: PDF.
Ger Mandolin Orchestra Performs in Toronto, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p4. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Arts. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Co-Sponsors Closing Event of Holocaust Education Week, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p4. Subjects: JGS; Holocaust; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Keeping Ladino Alive, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Media; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Awards Presented at the IAJGS Conference, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p4. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Another Successful IAJGS Conference: Salt Lake City 2014, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p12. Author: Marla Waltman. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; United States. Download: PDF.
35th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy Jerusalem 2015, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Israel. Download: PDF.
“Who Are You? Where Did You Come From?”, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Ancestral Evidence–Names, Places, and Documents, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p7. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subject: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Strong Canadian Showing at Jerusalem Conference, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p1. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Israel. Download: PDF.
Fast-Tracking!, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p9. Author: Isme Bennie. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
London Jewish Book Fair & Family Festival, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p16. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Czech Republic and Slovakia
Czechoslovakian Research, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p2. Subjects: Czech Republic and Slovakia; Methodology. Download: PDF.
On the Trail of Ancestors in Western Bohemia, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p14. Author: Nora Freund. Subjects: Research; Czech Republic and Slovakia. Download: PDF.
The Ghetto of Theresienstadt (Terezin), June 1994, Vol. X, No. 2, p1. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Holocaust; Czech Republic and Slovakia. Download: PDF.
Uncovering My Family Roots, December 1994, Vol. X, No. 4, p7. Author: Nora Freund. Subjects: Research; Cemeteries and Burials; Czech Republic and Slovakia. Download: PDF.
Edited Article from Nase Rodina, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Czech Republic and Slovakia; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Ancestors in Bohemia, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p4. Author: Nora Freund. Subjects: Czech Republic and Slovakia; Research. Download: PDF.
Two Weeks in Hungary and Slovakia, September 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 3, p6. Author: Margarita Lackó. Subjects: Research; Hungary; Czech Republic and Slovakia. Download: PDF.
Events Marking Holocaust History, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p2. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Holocaust; Germany; Czech Republic and Slovakia; British Isles. Download: PDF.
Remembrance and Jewish Genealogy, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p8. Author: Caroline Ullman. Subjects: Holocaust; Czech Republic and Slovakia. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p9. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Czech Republic and Slovakia; France; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
DNA and Genetics
Combining Genealogical and Family Trait Genetic Research, September 1999, Vol. XV, No. 3, p5. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: DNA and Genetics; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
DNA Testing Kits to Ashkenazi Jews, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p8. Author: Vivian Moses. Subject: DNA and Genetics. Download: PDF.
From the East, West and South: Documenting the Foundation of Jewish Communities in Eastern Europe, June 2004, Vol. XX, No. 2, p5. Author: Kevin Brook. Subjects: DNA and Genetics; Immigration and Passenger Records; Jewish Names; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
An Update on Jewish Records Indexing-Poland, September 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland; DNA and Genetics. Download: PDF.
Is Genetic Testing Relevant to Genealogical Research?, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p9. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subject: DNA and Genetics. Download: PDF.
The DNA Shoah Project, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Holocaust; DNA and Genetics. Download: PDF.
Familial Cancer in Jewish Women, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: DNA and Genetics; Canada. Download: PDF.
It’s in the Genes: Study of Ecuadorian Villagers with Jewish Roots, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p5. Subjects: DNA and Genetics; Central and South America. Download: PDF.
My Chilean Connection, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p11. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Central and South America; DNA and Genetics. Download: PDF.
The Moment Magazine Great DNA Experiment, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p8. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: DNA and Genetics; Media. Download: PDF.
Genetic Genealogy, or, What your Saliva Says about You!, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p11. Author: Valerie Miller Fox. Subject: DNA and Genetics. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p9. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Czech Republic and Slovakia; France; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
German Jewish Archives to return to East-Berlin community ….. ?, June 1988, Vol. IV, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Germany; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Re: German Jewish research, June 1988, Vol. IV, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Germany; Research. Download: PDF.
Berlin, March 1989, Vol. V, No. 1, p3. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: Research; Germany; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Cartons – filled with…, September 1989, Vol. V, No. 3, p3. Subjects: Germany; Media. Download: PDF.
The Weissensee Records, December 1989, Vol. V, No. 4, p1. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Germany. Download: PDF.
Review: Blume, Deiter and Jürgen Runzheimer, eds. Gladenbach und Schloss Blankenstein, December 1989, Vol. V, No. 4, p4. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Germany. Download: PDF.
A synagogue in Germany “no-man’s land”, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Synagogues; Germany. Download: PDF.
Review: Strätz, Rainer. “Biographic Handbook of the Jews of Würzburg, 1900-1945”, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p5. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Germany. Download: PDF.
Hamburg Jewish Cemetery, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p2. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Germany. Download: PDF.
The Berlin Document Centre, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p2. Subjects: Germany; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Berlin Revisited, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p4. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: Germany; Research. Download: PDF.
“Dispersed Throughbout the World”, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Germany; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Kraeger, Heinrich, ed. Sigilla Veri, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Germany. Download: PDF.
German/Austrian Holocaust Victom Databases Currently Available on the Web, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p6. Author: Peter Landé. Subjects: Holocaust; Austria; Germany. Download: PDF.
Records of Hatred and Efficiency: Collecting German Archival Records, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p8. Author: Ralf Oberndörfer. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Germany. Download: PDF.
Treasure Trove of German-Jewish Journals On-Line, December 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 4, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada; Germany. Download: PDF.
Review: Kredel, Otto and Franz Thierfelder. German-Foreign Language/Foreign Language-German Register of Place Names, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p9. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Germany. Download: PDF.
The Carlebach Rabbinic Dynasty, December 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 4, p1. Authors: Rachel Schlesinger; Ben Schlesinger. Subjects: Research; Germany. Download: PDF.
A Digitized Version of the Frankfort Memorbuch, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p7. Author: Jan Allen. Subjects: Germany; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Conservation of Original Documents at the ITS Archives, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p9. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Germany. Download: PDF.
Events Marking Holocaust History, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p2. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Holocaust; Germany; Czech Republic and Slovakia; British Isles. Download: PDF.
Researching the Records of the International Tracing Service in Bad Arolsen, Germany, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p1. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Germany. Download: PDF.
1928 Berlin Salon Recreated At Kiever Shul, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p8. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Germany; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
The Story of Canadian Diplomat Klaus Goldschlag, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Germany; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
An Early Jew in Toronto: Jacob Maier Hirschfelder, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Canada; Germany; Research. Download: PDF.
Tracing Our Roots, Telling Our Stories Donated to Institutions in Europe, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p5. Author: Myrna Neuringer Levy. Subjects: JGS; Books and Periodicals; Germany; Poland; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
The Lodz Archives, June 1985, Vol. I, No. 2, p1. Author: Goldie Wallensky. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
The Gedenkbuch donated, June 1989, Vol. V, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; JGS; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Passengers of the ‘St. Louis’, September 1989, Vol. V, No. 3, p3. Subject: Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Coloured slides of Lodz, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p3. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Media. Download: PDF.
Holocaust centre’s two volumes stir vivid images, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p4. Author: Elaine Kahn. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Research; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
The Holocaust and Jewish Genealogy, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p4. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Names of Auschwitz Prisoners, June 1990, Vol. VI, No. 2, p4. Subject: Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Fontaine, André. Le camp d’étrangers des Milles, 1939-1943, June 1990, Vol. VI, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
The Berlin Document Centre, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p2. Subjects: Germany; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Yad Vashem’s Hungarian Holocaust Documents, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p2. Subject: Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Holocaust Research, June 1991, Vol. VII, No. 2, p5. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Ghetto of Theresienstadt (Terezin), June 1994, Vol. X, No. 2, p1. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Holocaust; Czech Republic and Slovakia. Download: PDF.
Mormons Baptize Holocaust Victims, September 1994, Vol. X, No. 3, p6. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Finding Living Relatives Through Yad Vashem Archives, March 1995, Vol. XI, No. 1, p1. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Holocaust; Research; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Yad Vashem Publications Help Document Family History, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p3. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Mormons, Jews Sign Agreement on Baptised Holocaust Victims, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p10. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Mokotoff, Gary. How To Document Victims and Locate Survivors of the Holocaust, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p7. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Dobroszycki, Lucjan. Survivors of the Holocaust in Poland: A Portrait Based on Jewish Community Records, 1944-1947, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
From Our Meetings – Part I: Holocaust Research in Berdichev, Ukraine, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p5. Author: Karen Fejer. Subjects: Holocaust; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
Auschwitz Tattoo, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Holocaust; Research. Download: PDF.
Austrian Victims of the Holocaust; Registration by Name, March 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Holocaust; Austria. Download: PDF.
A Genealogical Journey, December 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 4, p1. Author: David Bickman. Subjects: Research; Immigration and Passenger Records; Ukraine; Poland; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
My Search for an SS St. Louis Passenger, December 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 4, p4. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Holocaust; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Documenting Victims of the Holocaust, December 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 4, p10. Authors: Gary Mokotoff; Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Yad Vashem – the “List of Lists”, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Lithuanian Names Project: Recording and Remembering Lithuanian Shoah Victims, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p9. Authors: Rose Lerer Cohen; Saul Issroff. Subjects: Holocaust; Baltic Countries; Research. Download: PDF.
German/Austrian Holocaust Victom Databases Currently Available on the Web, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p6. Author: Peter Landé. Subjects: Holocaust; Austria; Germany. Download: PDF.
Yad Vashem, June 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 2, p9. Author: Tom Brunner. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Another Austrian “Discovery”, September 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 3, p6. Author: Peter Landé. Subjects: Austria; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Personal Recollections and Deportation Lists, December 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 4, p1. Authors: Charlotte Opfermann; Ruth Chernia. Subject: Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Theresienstäder Gedenkbuch, December 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 4, p10. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Old and New Sources of Information on Holocaust Victims and Survivors, December 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 4, p1. Authors: Peter Landé; Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Some Lists of Names of Survivors and Victims Available in Toronto and on the Internet, December 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 4, p5. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
My Trip To My Father’s Shtetl: A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity, March 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, p1. Author: Harold Nissenthall. Subjects: Research; Poland; Cemeteries and Burials; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Search Bureau for Missing Relatives, June 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, p1. Author: Batya Untershatz. Subjects: Methodology; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
The Warsaw Ghetto, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Holocaust; Poland; Media. Download: PDF.
Records of Hatred and Efficiency: Collecting German Archival Records, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p8. Author: Ralf Oberndörfer. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Germany. Download: PDF.
Review: Spector, Shmuel, ed. The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p9. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Yale Reisner of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland to Speak in Toronto, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p12. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Institutions; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Henry Wellisch, June 2004, Vol. XX, No. 2, p10. Subjects: JGS; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Family Letters from Hungary, June 2004, Vol. XX, No. 2, p12. Author: Viviana Grosz. Subjects: Holocaust; Hungary; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Review: Horowitz, Carl and Irene Horowitz. Of Human Agony, December 2004, Vol. XX, No. 4, p6. Author: Valerie Schazker. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Langberd, Edwin. Sara’s Blessing, December 2004, Vol. XX, No. 4, p6. Author: Valerie Schazker. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Survivors’ Memoirs and Genealogy, December 2004, Vol. XX, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Holocaust; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
The Last Chapter in the History of the Lancut Jews, September 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 3, p1. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
Taking Holocaust Survivors’ Testimonies, March 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, p4. Author: Beni Broniscer Fisch. Subject: Holocaust. Download: PDF.
What Price Memory: Letters of a Yizkor Book Debate, June 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, p6. Author: Myrna Levy. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Finding Georges: How to Discover Unknown Relatives with the Aid of the Yad Vashem Web Site, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p10. Author: Lucy Shiffman Sadowski. Subjects: Research; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation Survivor Interviews, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p3. Subjects: Holocaust; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Theresienstadt Database at Czech Site, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p2. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Searching the International Tracing Service Archives, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Methodology; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
I’m Jewish? Family Secret Hidden from Nazis, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p7. Author: Stuart Laidlaw. Subjects: Holocaust; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Holocaust Education Week Programme, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p9. Authors: Judy Kasman; Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Holocaust; Books and Periodicals; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
A Genealogy Project Leads to a Fascinating Find, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p10. Author: Yair Lootsteen. Subjects: Research; Netherlands; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Christie Pits: Thousands battled in Canada’s worst anti-Semite riots (3 Dec. 1992), March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p6. Subjects: Holocaust; Canada. Download: PDF.
Holocaust Memorials, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p11. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Holocaust; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Conservation of Original Documents at the ITS Archives, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p9. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Germany. Download: PDF.
The DNA Shoah Project, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Holocaust; DNA and Genetics. Download: PDF.
Events Marking Holocaust History, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p2. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Holocaust; Germany; Czech Republic and Slovakia; British Isles. Download: PDF.
Researching the Records of the International Tracing Service in Bad Arolsen, Germany, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p1. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Germany. Download: PDF.
She, Alone, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p3. Author: Karen Lasky. Subjects: Writing; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Footnote.com and U.S. National Archives Holocaust Collection Update, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p10. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Plan For Riga Ghetto Museum, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p2. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Holocaust Headlines, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p3. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: Holocaust. Download: PDF.
George Mantello Saved Jews During WWII With El Salvador Citizenship Certificates, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Central and South America; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Update on European Cemeteries, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Poland; Holocaust; Austria. Download: PDF.
Galicia Jewish Museum, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p5. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Review: Diamant, Anita. Day After Night: a Novel, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Forman, Frieda Johles. Jewish Refugees in Switzerland During the Holocaust, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; Western Europe. Download: PDF.
Review: Miller, Lily Poritz. In a Pale Blue Light: a Novel, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; South Africa. Download: PDF.
New to the Anne Frank Museum & Website, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p7. Subjects: Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
About Oskar Schindler, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p3. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
Excerpt from “The Troupe”, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p11. Author: Craig Silverman. Subject: Holocaust. Download: PDF.
A Visit to Warsaw, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Research. Download: PDF.
Uncovering the Hidden Holocaust, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p5. Author: Martin Regg Cohn. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
Nazi-Looted Art Objects, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p11. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
The Day I Discovered an Unsung Holocaust Hero, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p1. Author: Bernie Farber. Subjects: Holocaust; Asia; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Holocaust Headlines: Names in the News, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p8. Subject: Holocaust. Download: PDF.
More & More About Sir Nicky Winton, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p8. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Media; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p9. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada; Baltic Countries; Holocaust; British Isles. Download: PDF.
News from Pier 21, Halifax, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Remember Me? A Project of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p1. Subjects: Holocaust; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Yad Vashem, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p3. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Holocaust; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
New Holocaust Museum in Mexico City: Memoria y Tolerencia, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Claude Lanzmann’s Film Shoah Shown in Iran, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Media; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Special Bar Mitzvah Held at Auschwitz for Oscar-Winning Producer, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: Holocaust. Download: PDF.
World Memory Project: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) and Ancestry.com Working Together, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p7. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Remembrance and Jewish Genealogy, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p8. Author: Caroline Ullman. Subjects: Holocaust; Czech Republic and Slovakia. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p3. Author: Hindy Halpren. Subject: Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Holocaust Testimonies Archive Comes to McMaster, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Exhibit at Columbus Centre: Icons of Loss: The Art of Samuel Bak, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p7. Author: n. Subjects: Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p7. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Ukraine; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p9. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Czech Republic and Slovakia; France; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
World War II Enemy Aliens, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p3. Subjects: Canada; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Hidden for Decades, Poles Discover their Jewish Roots, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p5. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
New and Improved: Yad Vashem’s Central Database, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p5. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Treading on Sacred Ground, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p7. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Cemeteries and Burials; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Archeological Remains Found at Sobibor Death Camp, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p11. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p7. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Standing Room Only at JGS Toronto’s Holocaust Education Week Event, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p8. Author: Karen Lasky. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Never Forget to Lie: Film by Marian Marzynski, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p3. Subjects: Media; Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Co-Sponsors Holocaust Education Week Closing Programme, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p12. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Holocaust; JGS. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Co-Sponsors Closing Event of Holocaust Education Week, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p4. Subjects: JGS; Holocaust; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Precious Legacy: Celebration of Life, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p4. Subjects: Canada; Holocaust; Arts. Download: PDF.
News from World Organizations Advocating on Behalf of Jews, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Arts. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p11. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Genealogy: Detective Work, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Holocaust; Media. Download: PDF.
Ciechanow Yizkor Book Translation, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
National Holocaust Monument to Be Built in Ottawa, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Report on Program Held on August 10, 2014: Women of Valor–Polish Resisters to the Third Reich: Presentation by the book’s author Joanne D. Gilbert, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p6. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Research. Download: PDF.
Museum of Jewish Heritage: A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p4. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Genealogy on TV: CNN’S Genealogy Series Roots: Our Journeys Home, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p5. Subjects: Media; United States; Poland; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Genealogy on TV: Finding Your Jewish Roots, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p5. Subjects: Media; United States; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Jewish Headstones Discovered in Brest, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p12. Subjects: Belarus; Cemeteries and Burials; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
International Missing Links: Toronto Connects Poland & Colombia, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p4. Author: Significance of genealogy. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland; . Download: PDF.
At the Art Gallery of Ontario: Memory Unearthed: The Lodz Ghetto Photographs of Henryk Ross, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
NPR Podcast on Songs Sung by Holocaust Survivors in 1948, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Research; Holocaust; Media. Download: PDF.
Neuberger HEW 2015: Holocaust Education Week, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p6. Subject: Holocaust. Download: PDF.
The Frank and Anita Ekstein Holocaust Resource Collection at the Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
The Lodz Ghetto Photographs of Henryk Ross, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Reaching Back into the Austro-Hungarian Empire, September 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 3, p6. Author: Robert Lowy. Subjects: Austria; Hungary; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Sallyann Sack Describes Massive Hungarian-Jewish Family Tree Project, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p7. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Hungary. Download: PDF.
Bringing the Past to Life… And Into Print, March 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 1, p6. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Hungary; Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Two Weeks in Hungary and Slovakia, September 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 3, p6. Author: Margarita Lackó. Subjects: Research; Hungary; Czech Republic and Slovakia. Download: PDF.
Family Letters from Hungary, June 2004, Vol. XX, No. 2, p12. Author: Viviana Grosz. Subjects: Holocaust; Hungary; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Review: Auslander, Jordan. Genealogical Gazetteer for the Kingdom of Hungary, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p9. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Hungary. Download: PDF.
Immigration and Passenger Records
JIAS – Halifax, October 1987, Vol. III, No. 1, p2. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Landsmannschaften, September 1988, Vol. IV, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Toronto Landsmanschaften, December 1988, Vol. IV, No. 3, p4. Author: Joel Verbin. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Survey on South African Jewish Emigration, December 1990, Vol. VI, No. 4, p6. Subjects: South Africa; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
How to obtain passenger lists, March 1991, Vol. VII, No. 1, p7. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Nominative, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p10. Subjects: Africa; Israel; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Q&A: Canadian Passenger Lists and Citizenship Records, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p15. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Canada. Download: PDF.
No Place To Call Home, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p8. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Research; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Shipwrecked at Malabar: The dramatic story of the Jews of India, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p15. Author: Ralph Bennett. Subjects: Asia; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
A Concise History of Jews in Glasgow, Scotland, March 1994, Vol. X, No. 1, p1. Author: Kenneth Collins. Subjects: British Isles; Immigration and Passenger Records; Cemeteries and Burials; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
A Bridge to America: The Landsmanshaften, March 1995, Vol. XI, No. 1, p3. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; United States; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
How Useful Are Canadian Ship Manifests to Genealogical Research, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p1. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Jews of Merthyr, Wales and Woodstock, Ontario, March 1996, Vol. XII, No. 1, p1. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: British Isles; Immigration and Passenger Records; Canada. Download: PDF.
How My Cousin Found Long-Lost Descendants of My Grandmother’s Brother in Birodijan, March 1996, Vol. XII, No. 1, p6. Author: Deborah Pekilis. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Asia; Research. Download: PDF.
The Jews of Toronto, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p1. Author: W. L. M. King. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Canadian Naturalization Records as a Source of Genealogical Information, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p7. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Methodology; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Lists of Russian Passengers Arriving at US Ports, June 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 2, p6. Subject: Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
A Genealogical Journey, December 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 4, p1. Author: David Bickman. Subjects: Research; Immigration and Passenger Records; Ukraine; Poland; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
My Search for an SS St. Louis Passenger, December 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 4, p4. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Holocaust; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Ellis Island to Get Family History Research Centre, December 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 4, p6. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Finding My Ancestors at the National Archives of Canada, June 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 2, p1. Author: Sharon Cooper. Subjects: Research; Immigration and Passenger Records; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Passenger Lists at the National Archives of Canada, June 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 2, p7. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subject: Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Finding My Ancestors at the North York Central Library, September 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 3, p3. Author: David Price. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
About Emigration, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p4. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subject: Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
From the East, West and South: Documenting the Foundation of Jewish Communities in Eastern Europe, June 2004, Vol. XX, No. 2, p5. Author: Kevin Brook. Subjects: DNA and Genetics; Immigration and Passenger Records; Jewish Names; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Population of Canada, September 2004, Vol. XX, No. 3, p10. Author: N.W. Goldstein. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Becoming Canadian: Jewish Immigration to Toronto, 1900-1930, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Canada. Download: PDF.
Naturalization Irregularities, December 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 4, p5. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Canada. Download: PDF.
The Nanaimo Family History Society’s Passenger Lists Indexing Project, March 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, p1. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Canada. Download: PDF.
Information About Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p7. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
I’m Jewish? Family Secret Hidden from Nazis, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p7. Author: Stuart Laidlaw. Subjects: Holocaust; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Pier 21 Halifax to Become a National Museum of Immigration, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p8. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Red Star Line Shipping Company, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p11. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Western Europe; Research. Download: PDF.
Jews Of The Caribbean & Region, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Caribbean; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Angel Island, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
The Day I Discovered an Unsung Holocaust Hero, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p1. Author: Bernie Farber. Subjects: Holocaust; Asia; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Red Star Line, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p9. Subject: Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
The Story of Canadian Diplomat Klaus Goldschlag, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Germany; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Family Story vs. Ship Manifest, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p12. Author: Lil Blume. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Hello, Columbus: A Jewish Perspective, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; United States; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Pier 21 Exhibit at Markham Museum, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p6. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
The Goldhammer Family, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p7. Author: Jack Freeman. Subjects: Research; Significance of genealogy; Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Cochin’s Defunct Kadavumbhagum Synagogue and the Decline of India’s Malabar Jewry, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p8. Author: Gil Zohar. Subject: India. Download: PDF.
Research Index, March 1991, Vol. VII, No. 1, p8. Subject: Indices. Download: PDF.
Surname and Place Index to [Shem Tov’s] “In Search Of”, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p8. Subject: Indices. Download: PDF.
A Summer of Shem Tov, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p5. Author: Sara Tatelman. Subjects: JGS; Indices; Research; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Shem Tov Scanning and Indexing Project, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p7. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: JGS; Indices; Research; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Yale Reisner of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland to Speak in Toronto, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p12. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Institutions; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Awards, Awards and Yet More Awards, September 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 3, p10. Subject: Institutions. Download: PDF.
IIJG Forms Advisory Board, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p7. Subject: Institutions. Download: PDF.
Review: One Hundred Years at the Junction Shul, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada; Synagogues; Institutions. Download: PDF.
A JewishGen Announcement: Henry Blumberg Appointed to its Board of Governors, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p7. Authors: Karen Franklin; Gary Motokoff. Subject: Institutions. Download: PDF.
Announcing the Passing of Ruth Goldbloom, Co-Founder of Pier 21 Society, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Institutions. Download: PDF.
On a Personal Note: My Journey Back to Cecil Street, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p7. Author: Deborah Sacrob. Subjects: Writing; Canada; Institutions. Download: PDF.
The Israel Connection, June 1989, Vol. V, No. 2, p5. Subjects: Israel; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Nominative, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p10. Subjects: Africa; Israel; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Genealogy in Israel, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p7. Author: Dee Kramer. Subjects: Israel; Methodology; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
In Israel, A Repository for Jewish Family Trees, December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p11. Subjects: Israel; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
A Tale of Two Letters (and Several Cities), Part 2, September 1994, Vol. X, No. 3, p4. Author: Paul Pascal. Subjects: Research; Romania and Moldavia; Israel. Download: PDF.
Our Monthly Meeting Held At The State Archives, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p8. Author: Hagid Matras. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Israel. Download: PDF.
A Zionist’s Dream, December 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 4, p1. Author: Mark Budman. Subjects: Research; Israel. Download: PDF.
The Central Archive Moves to its New Location: A Boost for Genealogical Research in Israel, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p7. Author: Jean Pierre Stroweis. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Israel; LDS (Mormon) Sources. Download: PDF.
Diaspora Museum Offers Genealogy Database, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p11. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Israel. Download: PDF.
Beit Hatfutsot: The Nahum Goldmann Museum of the Jewish Diaspora, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Israel; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
New From the Israel Genealogical Society, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p12. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Israel. Download: PDF.
Israel Day at Mel Lastman Square, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Israel; JGS. Download: PDF.
Isreal Genealogy Research Association’s New Databases, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p11. Subjects: Israel; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Time Travel Project at the National Library of Israel, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Israel; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Research. Download: PDF.
35th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy Jerusalem 2015, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Israel. Download: PDF.
Digitizing Cemeteries: MyHeritage is at it Again (With Friends!), December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p12. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Israel; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Strong Canadian Showing at Jerusalem Conference, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p1. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Israel. Download: PDF.
Jewish Names
We dug into our roots for an International Family Gathering, part 1, September 1988, Vol. IV, No. 2, p4. Author: Alan Simons. Subjects: Research; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Q&A: The Bonwitt Family, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p6. Subjects: Jewish Names; Research. Download: PDF.
Q&A: The Zacuto family, June 1990, Vol. VI, No. 2, p7. Subjects: Jewish Names; Research. Download: PDF.
Q&A: The names Woititz and Reschofsky, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p7. Subject: Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Q&A: The name Pick, December 1990, Vol. VI, No. 4, p7. Subject: Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Q&A: The name Bab, March 1991, Vol. VII, No. 1, p11. Subject: Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
The Development of Jewish First Names in the Austrian Empire, June 1991, Vol. VII, No. 2, p7. Authors: Wenzel Zacek; Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Jewish Names; Austria. Download: PDF.
What’s in a name?, June 1991, Vol. VII, No. 2, p10. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Q&A: The name Hadra, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p11. Subject: Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Q&A: The name Maschke, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p11. Subject: Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
The name game, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p11. Subject: Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
“Ridiculous” Jewish surnames, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p6. Subjects: Jewish Names; Austria. Download: PDF.
The Neu-Raussnitz Tax Book, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p7. Authors: Heinrich Flesch; Patrick Gordis; Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Review: Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Surnames from the Russian Empire, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p11. Author: Mordechai Roitman. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Review: Guggenheimer, Heinrich and Eva Guggenheimer. Jewish Family Names: An Etymological Dictionary, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p11. Author: Mordechai Roitman. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
A 1917 Overview of Jewish Genealogy, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p8. Authors: Richard Gottheil; Patrick Gordis. Subjects: Jewish Names; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Edited Article from Nase Rodina, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Czech Republic and Slovakia; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
The Katz-Greenspan Mystery, December 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 4, p8. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Research; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Celebrities and Name Changes, December 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 4, p12. Authors: Eitz Chaim; Harry Katzman. Subject: Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Review: Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Askenazic Given Names: Their Origins, Structures, Pronunciation and Migrations, December 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 4, p8. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
The Development of Jewish Names in Central Europe, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p12. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Jewish Names; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
From the East, West and South: Documenting the Foundation of Jewish Communities in Eastern Europe, June 2004, Vol. XX, No. 2, p5. Author: Kevin Brook. Subjects: DNA and Genetics; Immigration and Passenger Records; Jewish Names; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
Review: Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia, March 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 1, p10. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Jewish Names; Poland. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: David Price, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p6. Subjects: JGS; Jewish Names; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Review: Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German-Jewish Surnames, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p9. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Carved in Stone: The Founding Families of the Ostrovtzer Synagogue, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p1. Author: Cyril Gryfe. Subjects: Canada; Jewish Names; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Eating Cannon Fodder Like Pigs, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p8. Author: Ben Cugelman. Subject: Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
A Masterpiece of Scholarship on Jewish Names, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p4. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Jewish Names; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
A Report On Beider-Morse Phonetic Matching, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p8. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Jewish Names; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Project, October 1987, Vol. III, No. 1, p1. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; JGS. Download: PDF.
Society News, October 1987, Vol. III, No. 1, p1. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Projects, December 1987, Vol. III, No. 2, p1. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; JGS. Download: PDF.
Cemetery project, June 1989, Vol. V, No. 2, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; JGS. Download: PDF.
The Gedenkbuch donated, June 1989, Vol. V, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; JGS; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Library Holdings, September 1989, Vol. V, No. 3, p1. Author: Kaila Cramer. Subjects: JGS; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Project Update, December 1989, Vol. V, No. 4, p2. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; JGS. Download: PDF.
Field Trip to the Canadiana Room, December 1989, Vol. V, No. 4, p5. Author: Kaila Cramer. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; JGS. Download: PDF.
The cemetery project of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Toronto – a review, June 1990, Vol. VI, No. 2, p3. Subjects: JGS; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Daniel Lowe, MD, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p3. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Library of the JGS of Canada, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p5. Author: Kaila Cramer. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; JGS. Download: PDF.
Farewell to Shem Tov, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p7. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: JGS; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Our Cemetery Committee’s Progress At Roselawn, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p5. Authors: Gert Rogers; Bill Gladstone. Subjects: JGS; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
“Next Year in Toronto!”, September 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 3, p3. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; JGS. Download: PDF.
Our Progress at Roselawn Cemetery, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p14. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subjects: JGS; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Summer Seminar Update, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p6. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; JGS. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Committee Report, September 1994, Vol. X, No. 3, p7. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subjects: JGS; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
10th Anniversary Address, December 1995, Vol. XI, No. 4, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Our Readers Respond to “Tempest in a Samovar…”, December 1995, Vol. XI, No. 4, p10. Subjects: JGS; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
Jewish Youth Genealogy Project, March 1996, Vol. XII, No. 1, p5. Subjects: JGS; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Committee Report, December 1996, Vol. XII, No. 4, p9. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
HaMagid Records on CD-ROM, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p7. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; JGS. Download: PDF.
Letter from Ronald S. Lauder Foundation, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p11. Author: Yale Reisner. Subjects: JGS; Poland. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Genealogical Society, September 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 3, p11. Author: Goldie Wallensky. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Henry Wellisch, June 2004, Vol. XX, No. 2, p10. Subjects: JGS; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Harold Nissenthal, September 2004, Vol. XX, No. 3, p1. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Ellen and Sonny Monheit, December 2004, Vol. XX, No. 4, p3. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
It’s Our 20th Anniversary!, March 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 1, p1. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Dr. Rolf Lederer, Selma Sacrob, Rabbi Rayzel Raphael, March 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 1, p6. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Year-End Review, September 2004-June 2005, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p5. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: David Price, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p6. Subjects: JGS; Jewish Names; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Peter Jassem, September 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 3, p4. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Harvey Glasner, December 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 4, p7. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Neil Richler, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p7. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Yearend Review @ JGS Toronto, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p6. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Lucy Sadowski, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p12. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Elaine Cheskes, September 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 3, p6. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Carolynne Veffer, December 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 4, p5. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Who Knows Whom You’ll Find in the Rotenberg Ledger?, December 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 4, p8. Subjects: Methodology; JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Cheryl Tallan, March 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, p7. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Stanley Diamond, June 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, p12. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Ontario Jewish Archives, September 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, p12. Subjects: JGS; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Project Status, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p4. Subjects: JGS; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Dulcey Hoffman, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p5. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Diane Kriger, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p4. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
JGS Front and Centre at the Second Annual Jewish Mosaic Festival, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p3. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: JGS; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Overwhelming Response to Toronto Star Column!, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p6. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: JGS; Media; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: David Trost, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p12. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Harvey Glasner, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p12. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Judy Kasman, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p12. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Toba Ajzenstat and David Price, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p12. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Launches New Website, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p12. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: JGS; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Spotlight on Members and Friends: Terri Rothman, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p12. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Spotlight On Our Members: Kevin Hanit and Alan Halberstadt, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p11. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; JGS. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p9. Subjects: JGS; Research. Download: PDF.
Spotlight On Our Member: Elaine Cheskes, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p11. Subjects: JGS; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p11. Subjects: JGS; Research. Download: PDF.
Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of JGS Toronto, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p6. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p11. Subjects: JGS; Research. Download: PDF.
Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Canada (Toronto) at the North York Central Library, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p12. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Project Update, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p9. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subjects: JGS; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Israel Day at Mel Lastman Square, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Israel; JGS. Download: PDF.
Our Members in the Community, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p11. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Cheshvan is International Jewish Genealogy Month: 2011 Award-Winning Poster, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p1. Author: Jillian Beroza. Subjects: JGS; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p3. Author: Dror Vaikhansky. Subjects: JGS; Research; Baltic Countries; Belarus. Download: PDF.
A Summer of Shem Tov, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p5. Author: Sara Tatelman. Subjects: JGS; Indices; Research; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Shem Tov Scanning and Indexing Project, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p7. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: JGS; Indices; Research; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Tracing Our Roots, Telling Our Stories, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p5. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; JGS; Canada. Download: PDF.
Ninety Years Young, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p12. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Canada; JGS. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p12. Subjects: Research; JGS; Poland. Download: PDF.
Varda Hall Berenstein, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; JGS. Download: PDF.
Our April 24th Special Event at North York Public Library, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p7. Subjects: JGS; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Poland; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Discoveries from the 1765 Polish Census: A Shem Tov Interview, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Poland; Research; JGS. Download: PDF.
Letter to the Editor, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p12. Author: Joyce Thompson. Subjects: JGS; United States. Download: PDF.
Hartley Nathan & Clifford Goldfarb: Two Lawyers, Authors, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Experts and JGS Toronto Members!, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: JGS; Media. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Co-Sponsors Holocaust Education Week Closing Programme, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p12. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Holocaust; JGS. Download: PDF.
Featuring JGS Toronto’s Website: www.jgstoronto.com, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p1. Authors: Shelley Stillman; Judy Kasman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; JGS. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Co-Sponsors Closing Event of Holocaust Education Week, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p4. Subjects: JGS; Holocaust; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Tracing Our Roots, Telling Our Stories Donated to Institutions in Europe, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p5. Author: Myrna Neuringer Levy. Subjects: JGS; Books and Periodicals; Germany; Poland; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Cemetery Report, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p12. Author: Allen Halberstadt. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; JGS; Canada. Download: PDF.
A Tribute to Allen Halberstadt z”‘, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p1. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Commemoration; Cemeteries and Burials; JGS. Download: PDF.
Branching Out, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: JGS; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Time and Money!, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Family Finder, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p10. Author: Gert Rogers. Subjects: JGS; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Website: Members Only Feature, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p10. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: JGS; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Members Showcased at Beth Tikvah During Jewish Book Month, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p4. Author: Myrna Neuringer Levy. Subjects: JGS; Books and Periodicals; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Benefitting from JGS Toronto’s Resources, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Sharing Your Family Treet Online, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p10. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; JGS. Download: PDF.
Using Google Calendar on JGS Toronto Website, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p10. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; JGS. Download: PDF.
Volunteers Wanted and Always Appreciated, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p12. Author: Valerie Miller Fox. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
From the President: JGS Toronto’s Volunteer Appreciation Week, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p3. Author: Les Kelman. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
How to Use the Event Calendar on JGS Toronto’s Website, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p10. Author: Neil Richler. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
From the President, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p2. Author: Les Kelman. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Donations & Tribute Cards, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p16. Subject: JGS. Download: PDF.
Did You Know…?, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p10. Author: George Emery. Subjects: Canada; Law. Download: PDF.
Jewish Vital Records Research in Québec, June 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 2, p1. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Canada; Law; Methodology. Download: PDF.
What Canadians Need to Know About Completing the 2006 Census, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p3. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Canada; Law. Download: PDF.
Eastman’s Rules of Posting Genealogical Information Online, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p9. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology; Law. Download: PDF.
Genealogy Postings and the Risk of Identity Fraud, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p6. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Methodology; Law. Download: PDF.
Who Controls the Information In My Family Tree and How Do I Get Access To That Information?, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p5. Author: Margaret Wilkinson. Subjects: Law; Canada. Download: PDF.
Bill 149, The Inactive Cemeteries Act, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p5. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Law. Download: PDF.
Ontario’s Jewish Heritage Month, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p1. Subjects: Canada; Law; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
LDS (Mormon) Sources
LDS Family History Library Notes, December 1989, Vol. V, No. 4, p3. Subject: LDS (Mormon) Sources. Download: PDF.
Family History Library News, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p3. Subject: LDS (Mormon) Sources. Download: PDF.
How are we going to write 3 February 2001?, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p11. Subjects: Methodology; LDS (Mormon) Sources. Download: PDF.
Mormons Baptize Holocaust Victims, September 1994, Vol. X, No. 3, p6. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Mormons, Jews Sign Agreement on Baptised Holocaust Victims, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p10. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
New Mormon Microfilms of Polish-Jewish Vital Records, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p11. Author: Warren Blatt. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
My Experience with the LDS (Mormons) Trial Project and the REIPP Database, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p5. Author: Stan Zeidenberg. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Ellis Island to Get Family History Research Centre, December 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 4, p6. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
The Etobicoke Family History Centre Record Collection, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p5. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Canada; British Isles. Download: PDF.
Exciting Announcement For All Litvaks, March 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Baltic Countries; LDS (Mormon) Sources; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Toronto and Canada Stand at the Top of the Mountain: A Report on the 20th International Conference of Jewish Genealogy, September 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 3, p1. Author: Garry Stein. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; LDS (Mormon) Sources. Download: PDF.
Jewish Records on the Family History Library Catalog, March 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 1, p5. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Central Archive Moves to its New Location: A Boost for Genealogical Research in Israel, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p7. Author: Jean Pierre Stroweis. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Israel; LDS (Mormon) Sources. Download: PDF.
Review: Hilton, Nancy Goldberg. Nechama’s List: New Jewish Genealogical Records Added to the Family History Library Catalogue, January 8, 2001 to November 8, 2006, June 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, p9. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; LDS (Mormon) Sources. Download: PDF.
Jewish Records in Poland, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p4. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Poland; LDS (Mormon) Sources; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Cartons – filled with…, September 1989, Vol. V, No. 3, p3. Subjects: Germany; Media. Download: PDF.
Coloured slides of Lodz, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p3. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Media. Download: PDF.
Videos Offer Opportunity for Armchair “Roots” Tour, December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p9. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Media; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
List of Audiotapes of 22nd IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, Toronto 2002, September 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Media. Download: PDF.
The Warsaw Ghetto, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Holocaust; Poland; Media. Download: PDF.
Exhibition: “And I Still See Their Faces – Images of Polish Jews”, June 2004, Vol. XX, No. 2, p1. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Poland; Media. Download: PDF.
Making Your Own Legacy Video, September 2004, Vol. XX, No. 3, p8. Author: Len Scher. Subjects: Media; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Canadian News From Over a Hundred Years Ago, December 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 4, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada; Media. Download: PDF.
Overwhelming Response to Toronto Star Column!, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p6. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: JGS; Media; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Stay Tuned For New TV Show!, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p10. Subject: Media. Download: PDF.
New Genealogy TV Shows, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Media; United States. Download: PDF.
Lithuanian Jews on Postage Stamps, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Media; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
More & More About Sir Nicky Winton, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p8. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Media; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Genealogical TV Shows, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p10. Subject: Media. Download: PDF.
News from Yad Vashem, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p11. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Media. Download: PDF.
Claude Lanzmann’s Film Shoah Shown in Iran, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Media; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
History Detectives: PBS TV Show, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Media; Research. Download: PDF.
At the Movies, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p8. Subject: Media. Download: PDF.
Ontario Recognizes May as Jewish Heritage Month, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p8. Subject: Media. Download: PDF.
TV Genealogy, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p12. Subject: Media. Download: PDF.
TV Genealogy: Post-script, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Media; Publishing a Family History. Download: PDF.
The Moment Magazine Great DNA Experiment, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p8. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: DNA and Genetics; Media. Download: PDF.
Searching for David Nowakowsky, Music of a Forgotten Master, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Media; Arts. Download: PDF.
Never Forget to Lie: Film by Marian Marzynski, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p3. Subjects: Media; Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p11. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Media; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Hartley Nathan & Clifford Goldfarb: Two Lawyers, Authors, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Experts and JGS Toronto Members!, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: JGS; Media. Download: PDF.
Truth, Justice & the Canadian Way, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: Media. Download: PDF.
Keeping Ladino Alive, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Media; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Genealogy: Detective Work, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Holocaust; Media. Download: PDF.
A Beatles Backstory with a Jewish Twist, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: Media. Download: PDF.
Art Spiegelman Retrospective Comes to AGO, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p3. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Media. Download: PDF.
All That Jazz, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Canada; Media. Download: PDF.
At Toronto Fringe Festival, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Canada; Media; Writing. Download: PDF.
What’s Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy from Avotaynu, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p12. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Media; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
The (World’s Biggest-Ever) Global Family Tree Reunion, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p1. Subject: Media. Download: PDF.
Genealogy on TV: CNN’S Genealogy Series Roots: Our Journeys Home, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p5. Subjects: Media; United States; Poland; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Genealogy on TV: Finding Your Jewish Roots, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p5. Subjects: Media; United States; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Leonard Nimoy’s Mameloshn: A Yiddish Story, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p7. Subject: Media. Download: PDF.
New Documentary about Rabbi’s “Cemetery” in Bialystok, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p12. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Poland; Media. Download: PDF.
Who Do You Think You Are? Is Back on the Learning Channel (TLC), March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p8. Subject: Media. Download: PDF.
NPR Podcast on Songs Sung by Holocaust Survivors in 1948, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Research; Holocaust; Media. Download: PDF.
From the Yiddish Book Centre, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p10. Subject: Media. Download: PDF.
A Tour of the Past: Harbord Village, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p11. Author: Isme Bennie. Subjects: Research; Media; Canada. Download: PDF.
Missing Links: In Search of Novakowskys, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p5. Author: Ron Graner. Subjects: Research; Media. Download: PDF.
Branching Out: “Newsies” and Genealogy, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p7. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Media; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Sources of Information, May 1985, Vol. I, No. 1, p2. Author: Goldie Wallensky. Subjects: Methodology; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Active Jewish Genealogical Groups, June 1985, Vol. I, No. 2, p2. Author: Goldie Wallensky. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Changing faces, June 1989, Vol. V, No. 2, p5. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Israel Connection, June 1989, Vol. V, No. 2, p5. Subjects: Israel; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Czechoslovakian Research, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p2. Subjects: Czech Republic and Slovakia; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Holocaust and Jewish Genealogy, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p4. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Ontario Jewish Resource Directory, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p5. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Canada; Methodology. Download: PDF.
How to obtain passenger lists, March 1991, Vol. VII, No. 1, p7. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Glasnost, the Berlin Wall & YOU: What’s new in Soviet and East European Research, June 1991, Vol. VII, No. 2, p4. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Holocaust Research, June 1991, Vol. VII, No. 2, p5. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
How are we going to write 3 February 2001?, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p11. Subjects: Methodology; LDS (Mormon) Sources. Download: PDF.
New Jewish Genealogical Societies, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p4. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Four Sources in Anglo-Jewish Research, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p3. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: British Isles; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Reaching Back into the Austro-Hungarian Empire, September 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 3, p6. Author: Robert Lowy. Subjects: Austria; Hungary; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Tracing Jewish Immigrants in Toronto, 1890 – 1935, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p3. Author: Deena Nathanson. Subjects: Canada; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Why I Collect Telephone Books, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p5. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Research; Methodology. Download: PDF.
10 Hot Tips for Better Interviews, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p1. Author: Linden Rees. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Mailbox of a Genealogy Columnist, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p5. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Gary Mokotoff Delivers Latest News from Jewish Genealogical World, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p6. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Genealogy in Israel, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p7. Author: Dee Kramer. Subjects: Israel; Methodology; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Listing the Jews from the 1901 Census (& Earlier), June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p15. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Research; Methodology. Download: PDF.
“Lost” Synagogues Found, September 1993, Vol. IX, No. 3, p4. Subjects: Canada; Synagogues; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Lion Hunting in Canada, December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p1. Author: Ralph Bennett. Subjects: Research; Central and South America; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Vital Statistics Records at the Archives of Ontario, December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p4. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Travelling Companions to Jewish Heritage Sites, December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p8. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Letter from the Mayor of New York to the Mayor of Brody, Ukraine, March 1994, Vol. X, No. 1, p6. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Ukraine; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Using Printed Forms to Organize Your Records, September 1994, Vol. X, No. 3, p9. Author: Clifford Duxbury-Collier. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Some Helpful “Hints” For Visiting Ancestral Towns in Ukraine, December 1994, Vol. X, No. 4, p6. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Ukraine; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Recemt Developments in East European Research, December 1994, Vol. X, No. 4, p8. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Methodology; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Information in the Jewish Chronicle, March 1995, Vol. XI, No. 1, p6. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; British Isles; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Updated Social Security Death Index at Family History Centres, March 1995, Vol. XI, No. 1, p8. Subjects: United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
How Useful Are Canadian Ship Manifests to Genealogical Research, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p1. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records; Methodology. Download: PDF.
A 1917 Overview of Jewish Genealogy, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p8. Authors: Richard Gottheil; Patrick Gordis. Subjects: Jewish Names; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Methodology. Download: PDF.
New Mormon Microfilms of Polish-Jewish Vital Records, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p11. Author: Warren Blatt. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Using Voters’ Lists to Locate Missing Relatives, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p4. Author: Glen Eker. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Mokotoff, Gary. How To Document Victims and Locate Survivors of the Holocaust, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p7. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
New Special Interest Groups (SIGS), December 1995, Vol. XI, No. 4, p5. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Constructing a Family Tree Using Census Indexes and Raw Census Data, December 1995, Vol. XI, No. 4, p6. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Methodology; Research. Download: PDF.
Family Legends, Government Documents, March 1996, Vol. XII, No. 1, p5. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Jewish Youth Genealogy Project, March 1996, Vol. XII, No. 1, p5. Subjects: JGS; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Canadian Naturalization Records as a Source of Genealogical Information, March 1996, Vol. XII, No. 1, p8. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Assessment Records: A Little Used Genealogical Source, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p8. Author: Glen Eker. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Getting Results By Mail, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p9. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Using City of Toronto Assessment Records To Help Solve A Genealogical Research Problem, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p4. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Methodology; Research. Download: PDF.
Allen County Public Library, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p7. Author: Jo Fraenkel. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Canadian Naturalization Records as a Source of Genealogical Information, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p7. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Methodology; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Some Messages from JewishGen, December 1996, Vol. XII, No. 4, p5. Authors: Suzanne Waxman; Leah Jordan Bisel; Phyllis Kramer. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Information in American Naturalization Records, December 1996, Vol. XII, No. 4, p8. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Bringing the Past to Life… And Into Print, March 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 1, p6. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Hungary; Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Now Is the Right Time, March 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 1, p10. Author: Elisabeth Plaut. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
HowTo Obtain Ontario Vital Statistics Records, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p1. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Methodology. Download: PDF.
My Experience with the LDS (Mormons) Trial Project and the REIPP Database, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p5. Author: Stan Zeidenberg. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Information In American Naturalization Records: An Update, September 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 3, p4. Author: Renee Steinig. Subjects: United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
International Postal Reply Coupons – How Canadians can save money, December 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 4, p6. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Jewish Vital Records Research in Québec, June 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 2, p1. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Canada; Law; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Information in Canadian First World War Military Records, September 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 3, p4. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Military Records; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Documenting Victims of the Holocaust, December 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 4, p10. Authors: Gary Mokotoff; Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Jewish Records Indexing – Poland, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p7. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
About the Polish Genealogical Society of America, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p10. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Poland; United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Ontario Certificates, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Canada; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Jewish Genealogy Databases Unite to Create a Family Tree of the Jewish People, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p8. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Finding My Ancestors at the National Archives of Canada, June 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 2, p1. Author: Sharon Cooper. Subjects: Research; Immigration and Passenger Records; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Yad Vashem, June 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 2, p9. Author: Tom Brunner. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Finding My Ancestors at the North York Central Library, September 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 3, p3. Author: David Price. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Jewish Records on the Family History Library Catalog, March 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 1, p5. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Finding Your Roots at the YIVO, Institute for Jewish Research, June 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 2, p1. Authors: Marek Web; Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Methodology; Significance of genealogy; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Cemeteries of Vienna, June 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 2, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Austria; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Six Cs of Effective Genealogical E-mail, September 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 3, p8. Subjects: Methodology; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Old and New Sources of Information on Holocaust Victims and Survivors, December 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 4, p1. Authors: Peter Landé; Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Some Lists of Names of Survivors and Victims Available in Toronto and on the Internet, December 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 4, p5. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Tips on Attending a Jewish Genealogical Conference, March 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, p6. Author: Florence Kellam. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Search Bureau for Missing Relatives, June 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, p1. Author: Batya Untershatz. Subjects: Methodology; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Civil Registration Changes, June 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, p3. Author: Laurence Harris. Subjects: British Isles; Methodology. Download: PDF.
New Eastern European Archival Database, June 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, p4. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
JRI-Poland’s new procedure for ordering records from Polish State Archives, March 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 1, p7. Subjects: Poland; Methodology; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Research Your Polish Jewish Roots and Prepare for a trip to Poland at the Same Time!, June 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 2, p8. Author: Robinn Magid. Subjects: Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
You Never Know… or Why Family Tree of the Jewish People is Such a Valuable Resouce, June 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 2, p12. Author: Merle Kastner. Subjects: Research; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Best Kept Secrets of Polish Genealogy: Books of Residents and Other Lesser-Known Sources, September 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 3, p10. Authors: Fay Bussgang; Julian Bussgang. Subjects: Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review:Guzik, Estelle M., ed. Genealogical Resouces in New York, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p12. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
IAJGS Ethics for Jewish Genealogists, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p5. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Family Tree Magazine. Family Tree Guide Book to Europe, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p9. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Use of Land Titles Records for Genealogical Research, September 2004, Vol. XX, No. 3, p4. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Methodology; Canada. Download: PDF.
Genealogy and Reunions, September 2004, Vol. XX, No. 3, p6. Author: Merle Kastner. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Sack, Sallyann and Gary Mokotoff, eds. The Avotaynu Guide to Jewish Genealogy, September 2004, Vol. XX, No. 3, p7. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Making Your Own Legacy Video, September 2004, Vol. XX, No. 3, p8. Author: Len Scher. Subjects: Media; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Resources at the Toronto Reference Library, December 2004, Vol. XX, No. 4, p12. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Methodology; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Ontario Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p4. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Canada; Methodology; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
New Book on Hebrew Inscriptions and Documents, June 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Two Great Lectures on Eastern Europe, December 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 4, p1. Authors: Vlad Soshnikov; Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Methodology; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Finding Genealogy Gems Online, December 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 4, p11. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Rotenberg Ledger, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p6. Authors: Harvey Glasner; Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Methodology; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: Volovici, Hanna et al., eds. Sources on Polish Jewry at the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p12. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
How to Use the Roselawn Cemetery Sketch Map with the Data from JOWBR, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p10. Author: Diane Krieger. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Who Knows Whom You’ll Find in the Rotenberg Ledger?, December 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 4, p8. Subjects: Methodology; JGS. Download: PDF.
Review: Lipsitz, Edmond Y., ed. World Jewish Dictionary, March 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, p12. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Stephen Morse Speaks in Hamilton, September 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, p3. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Finding Burials on JewishGen: How to “JOWBR”, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p8. Author: David Trost. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Eastman’s Rules of Posting Genealogical Information Online, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p9. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology; Law. Download: PDF.
Genealogy Postings and the Risk of Identity Fraud, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p6. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Methodology; Law. Download: PDF.
What’s in the Archives of Ontario… and how do I find it?, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p10. Author: Jane MacNamara. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Canada; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Kinship Matrix, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p4. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Searching the International Tracing Service Archives, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Methodology; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Hatcher, Patricia Law. Producing a Quality Family History, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p11. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Sack, Sallyann Amdur and Gary Makotoff, eds. Avotaynu Guide to Jewish Genealogy, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p11. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Report on Internet Resources Workshop, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p12. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
A Resource for Discovering Where Relatives Lived, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p1. Author: Logan Kleinwaks. Subjects: Methodology; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
World Webcams: Visit Your Ancestral Towns Without Jetlag, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p2. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Ask A Society Member: Who is a relative in terms of generating a family tree?, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p5. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Expect the Unexpected: Unusual Resources Add Life to Family Tree, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p8. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Methodology; Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
Genealogy Websites, Past and Present, and the Impact of Social Interaction Networks, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p4. Author: Henry Blumberg. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Ask A Society Member: Who is a family member for genealogical purposes?, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p10. Author: Banai Feldstein. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
It’s Polish/Cyrillic to Me!, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p11. Author: David Price. Subjects: Methodology; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Poland. Download: PDF.
Family Surname Timelines on Google, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p3. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
All About Facebook, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p6. Author: JGS of Conejo Valley and Ventura County (California). Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Lynch, Daniel. Google Your Family Tree: Unlock the Hidden Power of Google, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Methodology; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Methodology; Research; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Centre for Jewish History in New York City to Open on Sundays, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p3. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
A Report On Beider-Morse Phonetic Matching, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p8. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Jewish Names; Methodology. Download: PDF.
How I Was Won Over by the 2010 Ontario Genealogy Society Conference, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p6. Author: Marla Waltman Daschko. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Mokotoff, Gary. Getting Started in Jewish Genealogy: 2010 Version, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p4. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Methodology. Download: PDF.
From the International Institute for Jewish Genealogy and Paul Jacobi Centre, Jerusalem, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p5. Subjects: Methodology; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
Brick Wall Yes or No?, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p12. Author: Michael Goldstein. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Michael Goldstein’s Presentation on Breaking Through Brick Walls, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Sunday Morning at Edithvale With Marian, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Methodology; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
The All Galicia Database, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p9. Author: Pamela Weisberger. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
JRI-Poland Search Results Linked to 74 Town Inventory Folders with Digital Images, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p4. Author: David Price. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
New: JewishGen Canada Database, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Methodology; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada. Download: PDF.
A Little-Known Jewish Genealogy Service, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p10. Author: Dick Eastman. Subjects: United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Some of My Experiences in Genealogy, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p10. Author: David Price. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Methodology. Download: PDF.
OGS Basic Genealogy Course, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p12. Subject: Methodology. Download: PDF.
Military Records
Genealogical Information in Canadian First World War Military Records, September 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 3, p4. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Military Records; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Jews in Canada’s Armed Forces, Part I, June 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, p5. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Canada; Military Records. Download: PDF.
Jews in Canada’s Armed Forces, Part II, September 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Military Records; Canada. Download: PDF.
A Genealogy Project Leads to a Fascinating Find, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p10. Author: Yair Lootsteen. Subjects: Research; Netherlands; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
The Lodz Archives, June 1985, Vol. I, No. 2, p1. Author: Goldie Wallensky. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Breakthrough in Access to Polish-Jewish records, June 1988, Vol. IV, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
A visit to the ‘old country’, March 1989, Vol. V, No. 1, p6. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
Coloured slides of Lodz, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p3. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Media. Download: PDF.
Polish Translation Guide, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p1. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
Surveying the Jewish Cemeteries of Poland, September 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 3, p5. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Poland; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Q&A: Finding Ancestral Towns, September 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 3, p8. Subject: Poland. Download: PDF.
Review: Hundert, Gershon. The Jews in a Polish Private Town: The Case of Opatow in the Eighteenth Century, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p14. Author: Sheryl Erenberg. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
Personalities I Have “Met” In the Course of My Genealogical Research, September 1993, Vol. IX, No. 3, p1. Author: Alex Korn. Subjects: Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
New Mormon Microfilms of Polish-Jewish Vital Records, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p11. Author: Warren Blatt. Subjects: LDS (Mormon) Sources; Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Review: Dobroszycki, Lucjan. Survivors of the Holocaust in Poland: A Portrait Based on Jewish Community Records, 1944-1947, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
New Web Site for Russian Poland Research, March 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 1, p11. Subjects: Poland; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
A Genealogical Journey, December 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 4, p1. Author: David Bickman. Subjects: Research; Immigration and Passenger Records; Ukraine; Poland; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Letter from Ronald S. Lauder Foundation, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p11. Author: Yale Reisner. Subjects: JGS; Poland. Download: PDF.
Judaica Poloniae: Notes from my trip to Poland, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p1. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Poland; Research; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Review: Hoffman, Eva. Shtetl – The Life and Death of a Small Town and the World of Polish Jews, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p6. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
Review: Karafilly, Irena Friedman. Ashes and Miracles – A Polish Journey, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p6. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
Jewish Records Indexing – Poland, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p7. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
About the Polish Genealogical Society of America, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p10. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Poland; United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Polish Business Directories, September 1999, Vol. XV, No. 3, p10. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subject: Poland. Download: PDF.
Jewish Records Indexing – Poland: 1929 Business Directory Project, March 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 1, p1. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Mending Torn Memories: The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Genealogy Project at the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland, December 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 4, p6. Author: Yale Reisner. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Poland. Download: PDF.
My Trip To My Father’s Shtetl: A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity, March 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, p1. Author: Harold Nissenthall. Subjects: Research; Poland; Cemeteries and Burials; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
JRI-Poland’s new procedure for ordering records from Polish State Archives, March 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 1, p7. Subjects: Poland; Methodology; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Jews of Galicia Under Austrian-Polish Rule, 1869-1918, June 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 2, p1. Authors: Ruth Chernia; Piotr Wrobel. Subjects: Poland; Austria. Download: PDF.
Two Historic Polish Directories Now Online, June 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 2, p7. Author: Ronald Bachman. Subjects: Poland; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Research Your Polish Jewish Roots and Prepare for a trip to Poland at the Same Time!, June 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 2, p8. Author: Robinn Magid. Subjects: Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Restoration of the Cemetery of Ozerov, June 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Poland. Download: PDF.
Best Kept Secrets of Polish Genealogy: Books of Residents and Other Lesser-Known Sources, September 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 3, p10. Authors: Fay Bussgang; Julian Bussgang. Subjects: Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Warsaw Ghetto, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Holocaust; Poland; Media. Download: PDF.
Review: Wein, Abraham. Pinkas Kehillot Polin, “Central Poland”, December 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
Exhibition: “And I Still See Their Faces – Images of Polish Jews”, June 2004, Vol. XX, No. 2, p1. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Poland; Media. Download: PDF.
Review: Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia, March 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 1, p10. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Jewish Names; Poland. Download: PDF.
Review: Magosci, Paul Robert. Historical Atlas of Central Europe (revised and expanded edition), March 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 1, p10. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
The Last Chapter in the History of the Lancut Jews, September 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 3, p1. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
Review: Volovici, Hanna et al., eds. Sources on Polish Jewry at the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p12. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Enduring Myth: My Town Was Destroyed, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p5. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Poland; Research. Download: PDF.
Review: Cullman, Peter Simonstein. History of the Jewish Community of Schneidemühl, 1641 to the Holocaust, September 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 3, p11. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
A German Report from Poland During the First World War, June 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Poland. Download: PDF.
An Update on Jewish Records Indexing-Poland, September 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland; DNA and Genetics. Download: PDF.
160,000 New Record Indices Searchable on JRI-Poland, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p4. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
The Gorlickis of Chmielnik, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p1. Author: David Price. Subjects: Research; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland. Download: PDF.
The Search for Isaac Gross, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p1. Author: Lindy Goodman. Subjects: Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
Expect the Unexpected: Unusual Resources Add Life to Family Tree, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p8. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Methodology; Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
A Personal Journey of Discovery, Part 1, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p11. Author: Karen Lasky. Subjects: Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
The Revival of Jewish Life in Poland – Is It Really Happening?, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p3. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subject: Poland. Download: PDF.
A Personal Journey of Discovery, Part 2, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p6. Author: Karen Lasky. Subjects: Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
It’s Polish/Cyrillic to Me!, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p11. Author: David Price. Subjects: Methodology; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Poland. Download: PDF.
A Personal Journey of Discovery, Part 3, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p6. Author: Karen Lasky. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland; Research. Download: PDF.
Rafael Goldchain: My Family – Photographic Memories and Fictions, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p3. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Central and South America; Poland; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Update on European Cemeteries, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Poland; Holocaust; Austria. Download: PDF.
Galicia Jewish Museum, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p5. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
About Oskar Schindler, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p3. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
A Visit to Warsaw, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Research. Download: PDF.
Uncovering the Hidden Holocaust, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p5. Author: Martin Regg Cohn. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
New Cooperation Agreement Between JRI-Poland and the Virtual Shtetl Portal of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p6. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Jewish Records in Poland, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p4. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Poland; LDS (Mormon) Sources; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Research Leads to Formation of an Orchestra, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: Poland. Download: PDF.
Lessons From A Genealogical Sleuth: Who was Charles Zweling? Part 1, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p1. Author: Neil Richler. Subjects: Research; Canada; Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Museum of the History of Polish Jews, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland. Download: PDF.
Hidden for Decades, Poles Discover their Jewish Roots, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p5. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Treading on Sacred Ground, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p7. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Cemeteries and Burials; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Archeological Remains Found at Sobibor Death Camp, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p11. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
Bella & Max Wilder: Reflections, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p3. Author: Sandee Sharpe. Subjects: Writing; Poland; Canada. Download: PDF.
The Jews in Poland and Russia: A Lecture by Prof. Antony Polnosky, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p5. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Poland; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p7. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Canada; Poland. Download: PDF.
The Prajs is Right: A JRI-Poland Success Story, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p8. Author: David Price. Subjects: Poland; Writing. Download: PDF.
Announcement from JRI-Poland, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p9. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Poland; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Warsaw’s Museum of the History of Polish Jews Opening in April, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p12. Subjects: Research; JGS; Poland. Download: PDF.
Never Forget to Lie: Film by Marian Marzynski, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p3. Subjects: Media; Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
Our April 24th Special Event at North York Public Library, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p7. Subjects: JGS; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Poland; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
The All Galicia Database, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p9. Author: Pamela Weisberger. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Discoveries from the 1765 Polish Census: A Shem Tov Interview, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Poland; Research; JGS. Download: PDF.
JRI-Poland Search Results Linked to 74 Town Inventory Folders with Digital Images, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p4. Author: David Price. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Poland; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Research; Central and South America; Poland. Download: PDF.
Tracing Our Roots, Telling Our Stories Donated to Institutions in Europe, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p5. Author: Myrna Neuringer Levy. Subjects: JGS; Books and Periodicals; Germany; Poland; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
News from World Organizations Advocating on Behalf of Jews, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p9. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Arts. Download: PDF.
Ciechanow Yizkor Book Translation, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland. Download: PDF.
JRI-Poland and the Museum fot the History of Polish Jews Announce New Agreement, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p1. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Report on Program Held on August 10, 2014: Women of Valor–Polish Resisters to the Third Reich: Presentation by the book’s author Joanne D. Gilbert, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p6. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Research. Download: PDF.
Branching Out, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p9. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subject: Poland. Download: PDF.
Genealogy on TV: CNN’S Genealogy Series Roots: Our Journeys Home, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p5. Subjects: Media; United States; Poland; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Digitized Vital Record Images are Now Online–Can Anyone Read Them?, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p8. Author: David Price. Subjects: Research; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Poland. Download: PDF.
Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p9. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p12. Subjects: Poland; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
New Documentary about Rabbi’s “Cemetery” in Bialystok, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p12. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Poland; Media. Download: PDF.
International Missing Links: Toronto Connects Poland & Colombia, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p4. Author: Significance of genealogy. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland; . Download: PDF.
Looking For My Grandfather on the Eastern Front, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p8. Author: Ron Csillag. Subjects: Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
Joseph Berger’s Return to Poland, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p6. Subject: Poland. Download: PDF.
Sephardic Jews in Galitzian Poland and Environs, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p13. Author: Kevin Alan Brook. Subjects: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Poland. Download: PDF.
Publishing a Family History
Your family history: has it been published?, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p11. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Publishing a Family History. Download: PDF.
Published Memoirs from the Shtetl to the Holocaust, June 1994, Vol. X, No. 2, p5. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Publishing a Family History. Download: PDF.
How to Self-Publish Your Family Tree Through the Magic of Computers, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p4. Author: Larry Gaum. Subjects: Publishing a Family History; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Print-On-Demand Publisher: Publishing Your Genealogy Book, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p5. Author: Richard (Dick) Eastman. Subjects: Publishing a Family History; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Merle Kastner Presents Family History Books, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: Publishing a Family History. Download: PDF.
TV Genealogy: Post-script, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Media; Publishing a Family History. Download: PDF.
Re: German Jewish research, June 1988, Vol. IV, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Germany; Research. Download: PDF.
We dug into our roots for an International Family Gathering, part 1, September 1988, Vol. IV, No. 2, p4. Author: Alan Simons. Subjects: Research; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Connecting the present to the past, December 1988, Vol. IV, No. 3, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
We dug into our roots for an International Family Gathering, part 2, December 1988, Vol. IV, No. 3, p6. Author: Alan Simons. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Keeping up with the journals, March 1989, Vol. V, No. 1, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Berlin, March 1989, Vol. V, No. 1, p3. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: Research; Germany; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
A visit to the ‘old country’, March 1989, Vol. V, No. 1, p6. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
Old Letters, June 1989, Vol. V, No. 2, p5. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Four Hours in San Fransisco, September 1989, Vol. V, No. 3, p4. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
My street…?, September 1989, Vol. V, No. 3, p6. Author: Peter Cullman. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Unfamiliar’, September 1989, Vol. V, No. 3, p6. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Members’ Forum: Selma Sacrob, December 1989, Vol. V, No. 4, p4. Author: Selma Sacrob. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Discoveries, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Holocaust centre’s two volumes stir vivid images, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p4. Author: Elaine Kahn. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Research; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Q&A: The Bonwitt Family, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p6. Subjects: Jewish Names; Research. Download: PDF.
HIAS to the help, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p7. Author: Peter Cullman. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
My return to a Lithuanian shtetl, part 1, June 1990, Vol. VI, No. 2, p1. Author: Mendel Kaplan. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Research. Download: PDF.
The trail ends in Cordoba…, June 1990, Vol. VI, No. 2, p4. Author: Sheryl Erenberg. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Q&A: The Zacuto family, June 1990, Vol. VI, No. 2, p7. Subjects: Jewish Names; Research. Download: PDF.
Verbatim?, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p3. Author: Peter Cullman. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Berlin Revisited, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p4. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: Germany; Research. Download: PDF.
Miriam Weiner, C.G., September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p4. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
My return to a Lithuanian shtetl, part 2, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p5. Author: Mendel Kaplan. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Research. Download: PDF.
Memories without faces…, March 1991, Vol. VII, No. 1, p7. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Our Members’ Research: An Inspiration to Others – Henry Wellisch, June 1991, Vol. VII, No. 2, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Our Members’ Research: An Inspiration to Others – Sheryl Erenberg, June 1991, Vol. VII, No. 2, p6. Author: Sheryl Erenberg. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Q&A: The Teixiera Family, June 1991, Vol. VII, No. 2, p11. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Our Members’ Research: An Inspiration to Others – Peter Cullman, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p4. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: Research; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
The Elusive Aunt Dora, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p5. Author: Peter Cullman. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Our Members’ Research: An Inspiration to Others – Bill Gladstone, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p6. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Our Members’ Research: An Inspiration to Others -Rolf Lederer, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p6. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
From Schneidemühl to Australia, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p7. Author: Peter Cullman. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Strangers In A Strange Land: The Myers Family of New Brunswick, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p5. Author: Neil Yetwin. Subjects: Research; Canada. Download: PDF.
Finding doctors in the United States, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p8. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subjects: Research; United States. Download: PDF.
Why I Collect Telephone Books, December 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 4, p5. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Research; Methodology. Download: PDF.
No Place To Call Home, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p8. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Research; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Father’s final message inspires genealogist to find his roots, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p4. Author: Ben Rose. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Research. Download: PDF.
Finding Relatives in Russian Police Files, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p5. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Research. Download: PDF.
On the Trail of Ancestors in Western Bohemia, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p14. Author: Nora Freund. Subjects: Research; Czech Republic and Slovakia. Download: PDF.
Listing the Jews from the 1901 Census (& Earlier), June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p15. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Research; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Personalities I Have “Met” In the Course of My Genealogical Research, September 1993, Vol. IX, No. 3, p1. Author: Alex Korn. Subjects: Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
Center for Rapaport Research Founded, September 1993, Vol. IX, No. 3, p4. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Legal Alien #5672535: Mollie Weiner, September 1993, Vol. IX, No. 3, p5. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: United States; Research. Download: PDF.
Lion Hunting in Canada, December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p1. Author: Ralph Bennett. Subjects: Research; Central and South America; Methodology. Download: PDF.
A Tale of Two Letters (and Several Cities), June 1994, Vol. X, No. 2, p8. Author: Paul Pascal. Subjects: Research; Romania and Moldavia. Download: PDF.
A Tale of Two Letters (and Several Cities), Part 2, September 1994, Vol. X, No. 3, p4. Author: Paul Pascal. Subjects: Research; Romania and Moldavia; Israel. Download: PDF.
Discovering Long-Lost Relatives in the Former U.S.S.R., September 1994, Vol. X, No. 3, p8. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Research; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
The Mania in Romania, December 1994, Vol. X, No. 4, p1. Author: Paul Pascal. Subjects: Romania and Moldavia; Research. Download: PDF.
Uncovering My Family Roots, December 1994, Vol. X, No. 4, p7. Author: Nora Freund. Subjects: Research; Cemeteries and Burials; Czech Republic and Slovakia. Download: PDF.
Finding Living Relatives Through Yad Vashem Archives, March 1995, Vol. XI, No. 1, p1. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Holocaust; Research; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Routes to Roots in Moldova (Formerly Bessarabia), September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p10. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Research. Download: PDF.
Who Was Raoul Henri Dreyfus?, December 1995, Vol. XI, No. 4, p3. Author: Lorraine Auberbach Chevrier. Subjects: Research; Western Europe. Download: PDF.
Constructing a Family Tree Using Census Indexes and Raw Census Data, December 1995, Vol. XI, No. 4, p6. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Methodology; Research. Download: PDF.
The Surprise Wedding Guest, December 1995, Vol. XI, No. 4, p9. Author: Sheryl Erenberg. Subjects: Research; Central and South America. Download: PDF.
A Rusty Flowerpot in a Budapest Cemetery, December 1995, Vol. XI, No. 4, p12. Author: Karen Fejer. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
How My Cousin Found Long-Lost Descendants of My Grandmother’s Brother in Birodijan, March 1996, Vol. XII, No. 1, p6. Author: Deborah Pekilis. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Asia; Research. Download: PDF.
Using City of Toronto Assessment Records To Help Solve A Genealogical Research Problem, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p4. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Canada; Methodology; Research. Download: PDF.
Auschwitz Tattoo, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Holocaust; Research. Download: PDF.
A Letter To The Family, December 1996, Vol. XII, No. 4, p1. Author: Arnold Issenman. Subjects: Research; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
“I Wonder If We Are Related?”, December 1996, Vol. XII, No. 4, p6. Author: Sid Disenhouse. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
An Odd Introduction to Genealogy, March 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 1, p1. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
The Disenhouse-Deitelbaum-Solnik Connection, March 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 1, p1. Author: Gert Solnik Rogers. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Every Journal Item Is Important To Somebody, March 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 1, p4. Author: Florence Kellam. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Physician’s Records, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p6. Author: Tom Gartman. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
A Zionist’s Dream, December 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 4, p1. Author: Mark Budman. Subjects: Research; Israel. Download: PDF.
A Childhood Fantasy, December 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 4, p4. Author: Lily Poritz Miller. Subjects: Research; Canada. Download: PDF.
Growing My Family Tree, December 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 4, p5. Author: Sylvia Charles. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
The Katz-Greenspan Mystery, December 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 4, p8. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Research; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
The Genealogy and Family Tree of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, December 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 4, p10. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: British Isles; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Research. Download: PDF.
Two Coincidences Lead to a Discovery of Family Connections!, March 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 1, p10. Author: Merle Kastner. Subjects: Research; Romania and Moldavia. Download: PDF.
A Family Reunited, March 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 1, p11. Subjects: Research; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
A Return to the Shtetl, September 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 3, p7. Author: Lily Poritz Miller. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Research. Download: PDF.
A Genealogical Journey, December 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 4, p1. Author: David Bickman. Subjects: Research; Immigration and Passenger Records; Ukraine; Poland; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Biblical Genealogy of Eker, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p1. Author: Paul Eker. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Ancestors in Bohemia, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p4. Author: Nora Freund. Subjects: Czech Republic and Slovakia; Research. Download: PDF.
Solomons of Cooktown, Australia and the Internet, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p6. Author: Valerie Miller Fox. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Significance of genealogy; Research. Download: PDF.
Lithuanian Names Project: Recording and Remembering Lithuanian Shoah Victims, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p9. Authors: Rose Lerer Cohen; Saul Issroff. Subjects: Holocaust; Baltic Countries; Research. Download: PDF.
Judaica Poloniae: Notes from my trip to Poland, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p1. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Poland; Research; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
My Trip to Ukraine and Russia, March 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 1, p5. Author: Sarah Faerman. Subjects: Research; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
A Story of Amazing Mazel, March 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 1, p7. Author: Merle Kastner. Subjects: Research; Romania and Moldavia. Download: PDF.
Finding My Ancestors at the National Archives of Canada, June 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 2, p1. Author: Sharon Cooper. Subjects: Research; Immigration and Passenger Records; Methodology. Download: PDF.
A Family Reunion in Toronto, September 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 3, p4. Author: Marilyn Glass. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Gathering Garbarskis: How We Finally Merged Some of the Branches After Seven Years of Research, Using JewishGen, Email & Plenty of Brainstorming, December 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 4, p4. Author: Merle Kastner. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
It’s A Small World, December 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 4, p9. Author: Barbara Held. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Some Surprise Genealogical Breakthroughs, June 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 2, p10. Author: Glen Eker. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Two Weeks in Hungary and Slovakia, September 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 3, p6. Author: Margarita Lackó. Subjects: Research; Hungary; Czech Republic and Slovakia. Download: PDF.
My Trip To My Father’s Shtetl: A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity, March 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, p1. Author: Harold Nissenthall. Subjects: Research; Poland; Cemeteries and Burials; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Ancestry of Elvis Presley, June 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, p12. Author: Glen Eker. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
The Horowitz and Strachman Families in Toronto, Part one: A Genealogy and History, December 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, p1. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Research; Romania and Moldavia; Canada. Download: PDF.
Johann Strauss, “The Waltz King’s” Jewish Connections, December 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, p6. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
The Eker-Louis B. Mayer (Canadian) Family Connection, Part 2, March 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 1, p5. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Research; United States; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
Moshe Gold’s Tzitzis, June 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 2, p11. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
You Never Know… or Why Family Tree of the Jewish People is Such a Valuable Resouce, June 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 2, p12. Author: Merle Kastner. Subjects: Research; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Warshawsky in Toronto, March 2004, Vol. XX, No. 1, p3. Author: Stuart Stahl. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Photos from Belarus, March 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 1, p4. Author: Penny Gross. Subjects: Belarus; Research. Download: PDF.
The Hooper-Driscoll Family of Early Toronto, March 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Canada; Research. Download: PDF.
A Genealogy of the Mayer Family, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p1. Author: Glen Eker. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
The Enduring Myth: My Town Was Destroyed, June 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p5. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Poland; Research. Download: PDF.
Looking for a Batkis in a Haystack: Using Jewish Genealogical Resources From Western Canada, September 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 3, p1. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Research; Canada. Download: PDF.
Descendants of the Sax Family of Toronto Reunite to Celebrate, September 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 3, p3. Author: Miray Cheskes-Granovsky. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
The Carlebach Rabbinic Dynasty, December 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 4, p1. Authors: Rachel Schlesinger; Ben Schlesinger. Subjects: Research; Germany. Download: PDF.
Finding Uncle George, March 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, p8. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Research; Canada. Download: PDF.
Finding Georges: How to Discover Unknown Relatives with the Aid of the Yad Vashem Web Site, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p10. Author: Lucy Shiffman Sadowski. Subjects: Research; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Science and Serendipity, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p7. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
The Kaminker Story, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p1. Authors: David Kaminker; Sandy Kaminker; Harold Halpern. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
The Gorlickis of Chmielnik, September 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, p1. Author: David Price. Subjects: Research; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland. Download: PDF.
The Search for Isaac Gross, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p1. Author: Lindy Goodman. Subjects: Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
A Genealogy Project Leads to a Fascinating Find, December 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, p10. Author: Yair Lootsteen. Subjects: Research; Netherlands; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Expect the Unexpected: Unusual Resources Add Life to Family Tree, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p8. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Methodology; Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
A Personal Journey of Discovery, Part 1, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p11. Author: Karen Lasky. Subjects: Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
A Personal Journey of Discovery, Part 2, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p6. Author: Karen Lasky. Subjects: Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
A Personal Journey of Discovery, Part 3, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p6. Author: Karen Lasky. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Poland; Research. Download: PDF.
Red Star Line Shipping Company, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p11. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Western Europe; Research. Download: PDF.
Shoah Connector, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p11. Author: Debbie Raff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Research. Download: PDF.
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Methodology; Research; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
JewishGen’s Success! Stories Website, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Research. Download: PDF.
Seeking Answer to Newfoundland Request, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Research; Canada. Download: PDF.
A Fateful Choice of Software, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p7. Author: Daniel Held. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Research. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, September 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, p9. Subjects: JGS; Research. Download: PDF.
A Visit to Warsaw, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p1. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Research. Download: PDF.
The Accidental Archivist: Irish Jewish Records, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p6. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: British Isles; Research. Download: PDF.
Back to Lithuanian Roots, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p8. Subjects: Baltic Countries; Research. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p11. Subjects: JGS; Research. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p11. Subjects: JGS; Research. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p3. Author: Dror Vaikhansky. Subjects: JGS; Research; Baltic Countries; Belarus. Download: PDF.
A Summer of Shem Tov, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p5. Author: Sara Tatelman. Subjects: JGS; Indices; Research; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
History Detectives: PBS TV Show, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Media; Research. Download: PDF.
Shem Tov Scanning and Indexing Project, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p7. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: JGS; Indices; Research; Canada; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Lessons From A Genealogical Sleuth: Who was Charles Zweling? Part 1, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p1. Author: Neil Richler. Subjects: Research; Canada; Poland; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Chadashot: News From Israel, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p8. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Research; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
I Reconnected with Long-Lost Family Members, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p9. Author: Renate Krakauer. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Lessons From a Genealogical Sleuth – Part 2, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p4. Author: Neil Richler. Subjects: Research; Canada. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Workship, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p3. Author: Debbie Sacrob. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Research. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p12. Subjects: Research; JGS; Poland. Download: PDF.
An Early Jew in Toronto: Jacob Maier Hirschfelder, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Canada; Germany; Research. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Canada; Research. Download: PDF.
Discoveries from the 1765 Polish Census: A Shem Tov Interview, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p10. Subjects: Poland; Research; JGS. Download: PDF.
Missing Links, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Research; Central and South America; Poland. Download: PDF.
Yiddish LIT Goes Digital, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p10. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Research. Download: PDF.
Time Travel Project at the National Library of Israel, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Israel; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Research. Download: PDF.
Report on Program Held on August 10, 2014: Women of Valor–Polish Resisters to the Third Reich: Presentation by the book’s author Joanne D. Gilbert, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p6. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Research. Download: PDF.
Citing Sources, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p8. Author: Dick Eastman. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Digitized Vital Record Images are Now Online–Can Anyone Read Them?, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p8. Author: David Price. Subjects: Research; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Poland. Download: PDF.
Branching Out, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p9. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Research. Download: PDF.
The Goldhammer Family, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p7. Author: Jack Freeman. Subjects: Research; Significance of genealogy; Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Dubossary Yizkor Book, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p11. Author: Sarah Faerman. Subjects: Research; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Missing Links: Mystery Photos, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p5. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
NPR Podcast on Songs Sung by Holocaust Survivors in 1948, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Research; Holocaust; Media. Download: PDF.
Branching Out, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p7. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Research; Books and Periodicals; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Looking For My Grandfather on the Eastern Front, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p8. Author: Ron Csillag. Subjects: Research; Poland. Download: PDF.
A Tour of the Past: Harbord Village, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p11. Author: Isme Bennie. Subjects: Research; Media; Canada. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New?, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p3. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subject: Research. Download: PDF.
Missing Links: In Search of Novakowskys, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p5. Author: Ron Graner. Subjects: Research; Media. Download: PDF.
Romania and Moldavia
A Tale of Two Letters (and Several Cities), June 1994, Vol. X, No. 2, p8. Author: Paul Pascal. Subjects: Research; Romania and Moldavia. Download: PDF.
A Tale of Two Letters (and Several Cities), Part 2, September 1994, Vol. X, No. 3, p4. Author: Paul Pascal. Subjects: Research; Romania and Moldavia; Israel. Download: PDF.
The Mania in Romania, December 1994, Vol. X, No. 4, p1. Author: Paul Pascal. Subjects: Romania and Moldavia; Research. Download: PDF.
Two Coincidences Lead to a Discovery of Family Connections!, March 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 1, p10. Author: Merle Kastner. Subjects: Research; Romania and Moldavia. Download: PDF.
A Story of Amazing Mazel, March 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 1, p7. Author: Merle Kastner. Subjects: Research; Romania and Moldavia. Download: PDF.
The Horowitz and Strachman Families in Toronto, Part one: A Genealogy and History, December 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, p1. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Research; Romania and Moldavia; Canada. Download: PDF.
Russian Empire and Soviet Union
Archives + Addresses: Russian Business Directories as Aids in Genealogical Research, September 1988, Vol. IV, No. 2, p3. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Cemetery of Chust, September 1990, Vol. VI, No. 3, p3. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Glasnost, the Berlin Wall & YOU: What’s new in Soviet and East European Research, June 1991, Vol. VII, No. 2, p4. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Libraries & archives in former Soviet states ready to share information, YIVO official asserts, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p1. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Review: Shea, Jonathan D. Russian Language Documents from Russian Poland: A Translation Manual for Genealogists, March 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p10. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Major archives in U.S. & C.I.S. sign genealogical agreement, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p1. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
No Place To Call Home, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p8. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Research; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
A Translated Russian “Passport”, ca. 1890, March 1993, Vol. IX, No. 1, p10. Subject: Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Rediscovering Jewish Roots in Toronto, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p3. Authors: Alexander Kronick; Katerina Kronick. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
A Miscellany of Riches from Russia & the Provinces, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p4. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Father’s final message inspires genealogist to find his roots, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p4. Author: Ben Rose. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Research. Download: PDF.
Finding Relatives in Russian Police Files, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p5. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Research. Download: PDF.
Review: Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Surnames from the Russian Empire, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p11. Author: Mordechai Roitman. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Jewish Names. Download: PDF.
Discovering Long-Lost Relatives in the Former U.S.S.R., September 1994, Vol. X, No. 3, p8. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Research; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
News from RAGAS, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p5. Author: Linda Cantor. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Routes to Roots in Moldova (Formerly Bessarabia), September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p10. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Research. Download: PDF.
My Trip to Ukraine and Russia, March 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 1, p5. Author: Sarah Faerman. Subjects: Research; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
Key Moments in Soviet Archival History, March 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 1, p1. Authors: Ruth Chernia; George Bolotenko. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Two Great Lectures on Eastern Europe, December 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 4, p1. Authors: Vlad Soshnikov; Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Methodology; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
It’s Polish/Cyrillic to Me!, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p11. Author: David Price. Subjects: Methodology; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Poland. Download: PDF.
A Masterpiece of Scholarship on Jewish Names, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p4. Author: Bill Gladstone. Subjects: Jewish Names; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Exhibit of Marc Chagall and the Russian Avant-Garde Coming to the Art Gallery of Ontario, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p4. Subject: Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
The Jews in Poland and Russia: A Lecture by Prof. Antony Polnosky, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p5. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Poland; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Jewish Culture to be Found in Armenia Near Medieval Jewish Cemetery, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p7. Author: Jan Meisels Allen. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Searching for David Nowakowsky, Music of a Forgotten Master, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Media; Arts. Download: PDF.
Our April 24th Special Event at North York Public Library, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p7. Subjects: JGS; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Poland; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry
Sepharad 1992, June 1990, Vol. VI, No. 2, p4. Subject: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
Q&A: Indigent burials and Sephardic Search, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
Videos Offer Opportunity for Armchair “Roots” Tour, December 1993, Vol. IX, No. 4, p9. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Media; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
A 1917 Overview of Jewish Genealogy, June 1995, Vol. XI, No. 2, p8. Authors: Richard Gottheil; Patrick Gordis. Subjects: Jewish Names; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Methodology. Download: PDF.
From Our Meetings – Part II: The Jews of Morvedre, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p12. Author: Ruth Chernia. Subject: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
The Genealogy and Family Tree of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, December 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 4, p10. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: British Isles; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Research. Download: PDF.
From the East, West and South: Documenting the Foundation of Jewish Communities in Eastern Europe, June 2004, Vol. XX, No. 2, p5. Author: Kevin Brook. Subjects: DNA and Genetics; Immigration and Passenger Records; Jewish Names; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
The Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean, June 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, p9. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Caribbean; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
Create a JewishGen Webpage for Your Ancestral Sephardic Community, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p3. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Western Europe; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Baltic Countries; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
From the International Institute for Jewish Genealogy and Paul Jacobi Centre, Jerusalem, March 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, p5. Subjects: Methodology; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
North African Jews, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p9. Subjects: Africa; Books and Periodicals; Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
My Fifteen Grandmothers, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p10. Author: Genie Milgrom. Subject: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
Genie Milgrom Wins Florida State Genealogical Society’s Genealogy Outstanding Achievement Award, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p9. Subjects: United States; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
Hello, Columbus: A Jewish Perspective, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; United States; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Fiesta de las Kandelikas, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Headstones Converted to Quarry Stones: The Decimation of Barcelona’s Jews, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Keeping Ladino Alive, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Media; Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops. Download: PDF.
Searching for Roots in Spain and Portugal, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p5. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Portland, Oregan’s Sephardic Jewish Heritage, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Sephardic Jews in Galitzian Poland and Environs, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p13. Author: Kevin Alan Brook. Subjects: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Poland. Download: PDF.
Significance of genealogy
Genealogical Wedding Planning, June 1988, Vol. IV, No. 1, p6. Author: Rayzel Robinson. Subject: Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Our Members’ Research: An Inspiration to Others – Peter Cullman, September 1991, Vol. VII, No. 3, p4. Author: Peter Cullman. Subjects: Research; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Genealogy in Israel, June 1993, Vol. IX, No. 2, p7. Author: Dee Kramer. Subjects: Israel; Methodology; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
The Benefits of Genealogy, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Solomons of Cooktown, Australia and the Internet, March 1999, Vol. XV, No. 1, p6. Author: Valerie Miller Fox. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; Significance of genealogy; Research. Download: PDF.
Combining Genealogical and Family Trait Genetic Research, September 1999, Vol. XV, No. 3, p5. Author: Stanley Diamond. Subjects: DNA and Genetics; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Finding Your Roots at the YIVO, Institute for Jewish Research, June 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 2, p1. Authors: Marek Web; Ruth Chernia. Subjects: Methodology; Significance of genealogy; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Mending Torn Memories: The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Genealogy Project at the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland, December 2001, Vol. XVII, No. 4, p6. Author: Yale Reisner. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Poland. Download: PDF.
Family Letters from Hungary, June 2004, Vol. XX, No. 2, p12. Author: Viviana Grosz. Subjects: Holocaust; Hungary; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Survivors’ Memoirs and Genealogy, December 2004, Vol. XX, No. 4, p7. Subjects: Holocaust; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
From A Short Trip, A Longer Journey, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p9. Author: Rick Richman. Subject: Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Cheshvan is International Jewish Genealogy Month: 2011 Award-Winning Poster, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p1. Author: Jillian Beroza. Subjects: JGS; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
A Child’s Perspective on Genealogy Why My Family History Project was Important to Me, September 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, p5. Author: Eden. Subject: Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Treading on Sacred Ground, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p7. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Poland; Holocaust; Cemeteries and Burials; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
The Joys and Challenges of Genealogy, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p8. Author: Valerie Miller Fox. Subjects: Canada; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
The Wedding Dress, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p12. Author: Karen Lasky. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Writing. Download: PDF.
The Boston IAJGS Conference: A highlight of my genealogical year, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p11. Author: Marla Waltman. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Tracing Our Roots, Telling Our Stories Donated to Institutions in Europe, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p5. Author: Myrna Neuringer Levy. Subjects: JGS; Books and Periodicals; Germany; Poland; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Dr. Rolf Lederer: A Vital Part of JGS Toronto, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p4. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Genealogy: Detective Work, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Holocaust; Media. Download: PDF.
How Stories Bridge Cultures and Families: The Treelines.com Story, March 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 1, p8. Author: Tammy Hepps. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
On a Personal Note: A Family Search: What a Ride!, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p4. Author: Debbie Sacrob. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Searching for Roots in Spain and Portugal, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p5. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Cheshvan is Internationa Jewish Genealogy Month, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p1. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Writing the Book of Life, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p5. Author: Sara Horowitz. Subjects: Writing; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Branching Out, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p7. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subject: Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
The Goldhammer Family, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p7. Author: Jack Freeman. Subjects: Research; Significance of genealogy; Canada; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
JOWBR & the Genealogical Value of Jewish Burial Records, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p1. Subject: Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Branching Out: “Newsies” and Genealogy, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p7. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Media; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF.
Some of My Experiences in Genealogy, September 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, p10. Author: David Price. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Methodology. Download: PDF.
South Africa
Books + References: Sun vs. Moon, September 1988, Vol. IV, No. 2, p3. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; South Africa. Download: PDF.
The Origin of the Jews of South Africa, December 1990, Vol. VI, No. 4, p5. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subject: South Africa. Download: PDF.
Survey on South African Jewish Emigration, December 1990, Vol. VI, No. 4, p6. Subjects: South Africa; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Review: Kaplan, Mendel and Marian Robertson, eds. Founders and Followers: Johannesburg Jewry, 1887-1915, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p3. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; South Africa. Download: PDF.
New JGS in South Africa, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p6. Subject: South Africa. Download: PDF.
Review: Miller, Lily Poritz. In a Pale Blue Light: a Novel, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; South Africa. Download: PDF.
The Endingen-Lengnau Jewish Cemetery, June 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p11. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Switzerland; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
A synagogue in Germany “no-man’s land”, March 1990, Vol. VI, No. 1, p3. Subjects: Synagogues; Germany. Download: PDF.
Synagogues of Toronto, 1926 (images), June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Synagogues; Canada. Download: PDF.
“Lost” Synagogues Found, September 1993, Vol. IX, No. 3, p4. Subjects: Canada; Synagogues; Methodology. Download: PDF.
A Concise History of Jews in Glasgow, Scotland, March 1994, Vol. X, No. 1, p1. Author: Kenneth Collins. Subjects: British Isles; Immigration and Passenger Records; Cemeteries and Burials; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Jewish Synagogues: The Religious Home in Toronto of God’s Ancient People, December 2004, Vol. XX, No. 4, p1. Author: J. Ross Robertson. Subjects: Canada; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Toronto’s First Synagogues – A “Virtual” Treasure Trove, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p1. Author: Ellen Scheinberg. Subjects: Canada; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Carved in Stone: The Founding Families of the Ostrovtzer Synagogue, March 2008, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, p1. Author: Cyril Gryfe. Subjects: Canada; Jewish Names; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
A Tale of Four Shuls, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p3. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Calgary’s Congregation House of Jacob, December 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, p10. Author: Betty Sherwood. Subjects: Synagogues; Canada. Download: PDF.
Review: One Hundred Years at the Junction Shul, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada; Synagogues; Institutions. Download: PDF.
Post-Script Regarding Shaarei Shomayim Windows, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subject: Synagogues. Download: PDF.
The Jews of Cochin, India, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p7. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Asia; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Trace of th Past–Montreal’s Early Synagogues, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Canada; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
JGS Toronto Members Showcased at Beth Tikvah During Jewish Book Month, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p4. Author: Myrna Neuringer Levy. Subjects: JGS; Books and Periodicals; Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Do You Like a Genealogical Challenge? Take Part in MEMPLAQ!, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p6. Author: Marla Waltman. Subjects: Canada; Synagogues; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Jewish Treasures of the Caribbean: A Photography Exhibit by Wyatt Gallery at Beth Tzedec Museum, March 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, p6. Subject: Synagogues. Download: PDF.
Special Celebrations for Toronto’s Rabbi Erwin Schild, June 2015, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, p9. Subjects: Synagogues; Canada. Download: PDF.
Letter from the Mayor of New York to the Mayor of Brody, Ukraine, March 1994, Vol. X, No. 1, p6. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Ukraine; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Some Helpful “Hints” For Visiting Ancestral Towns in Ukraine, December 1994, Vol. X, No. 4, p6. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Ukraine; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Tempest in a Samovar Or The Ugly American Genealogist?, September 1995, Vol. XI, No. 3, p9. Author: Karen Fejer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Ukraine; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Our Readers Respond to “Tempest in a Samovar…”, December 1995, Vol. XI, No. 4, p10. Subjects: JGS; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
From Our Meetings – Part I: Holocaust Research in Berdichev, Ukraine, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p5. Author: Karen Fejer. Subjects: Holocaust; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
L’viv and Kiev Records Being Filmed, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p9. Subjects: Ukraine; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
A Genealogical Journey, December 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 4, p1. Author: David Bickman. Subjects: Research; Immigration and Passenger Records; Ukraine; Poland; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Review: Weiner, Miriam. Jewish Roots in the Ukraine and Moldova: Pages from the Past and Archival Inventories, December 1999, Vol. XV, No. 4, p11. Author: Mordechai Roitman. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
My Trip to Ukraine and Russia, March 2000, Vol. XVI, No. 1, p5. Author: Sarah Faerman. Subjects: Research; Russian Empire and Soviet Union; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
The Eker-Louis B. Mayer (Canadian) Family Connection, Part 2, March 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 1, p5. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Research; United States; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
Ukranian Archives, March 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 1, p8. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
Useful Web Sites for Ukrainian Genealogy, March 2005, Vol. XXI, No. 1, p11. Author: Leslie Kelman. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
The History of Ukraine 1740-1940, the Changing Borders and the Jewish Communities of Ukraine During This Time Period, March 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 1, p10. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
Uncovering the Hidden Holocaust, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p5. Author: Martin Regg Cohn. Subjects: Holocaust; Poland; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, March 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, p7. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Ukraine; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
United States
JGS of New York – 10th Anniversary, December 1987, Vol. III, No. 2, p1. Subject: United States. Download: PDF.
A Genealogist’s Gold Rush …. ?, June 1988, Vol. IV, No. 1, p5. Author: Bernie Morris. Subjects: United States; Cemeteries and Burials. Download: PDF.
Highlights of the Seventh Jewish Genealogical Summer Seminar, September 1988, Vol. IV, No. 2, p1. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; United States. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Society in the sun, September 1989, Vol. V, No. 3, p5. Author: Bernie Morris. Subject: United States. Download: PDF.
Review: Stern, Malcolm. First American Jewish Families: 600 Genealoglies, 1654-1988, December 1991, Vol. VII, No. 4, p3. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; United States. Download: PDF.
Major archives in U.S. & C.I.S. sign genealogical agreement, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p1. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Download: PDF.
Finding doctors in the United States, June 1992, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p8. Author: Howard Shidlowsky. Subjects: Research; United States. Download: PDF.
Legal Alien #5672535: Mollie Weiner, September 1993, Vol. IX, No. 3, p5. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: United States; Research. Download: PDF.
Society Burials in the New York City Area for Lysyanka, Tagancha, Kuznica, Raciaz and Sokolka, September 1994, Vol. X, No. 3, p3. Subject: United States. Download: PDF.
A Bridge to America: The Landsmanshaften, March 1995, Vol. XI, No. 1, p3. Author: Miriam Weiner. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; United States; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Updated Social Security Death Index at Family History Centres, March 1995, Vol. XI, No. 1, p8. Subjects: United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Leo Baeck Institute To Expand Genealogical Services, June 1996, Vol. XII, No. 2, p10. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Review: LeMaster, Carolyn Gray. A History of the Jewish Experience in Arkansis, 1820 – 1990, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p6. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; United States. Download: PDF.
Allen County Public Library, September 1996, Vol. XII, No. 3, p7. Author: Jo Fraenkel. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Information in American Naturalization Records, December 1996, Vol. XII, No. 4, p8. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
Genealogical Information In American Naturalization Records: An Update, September 1997, Vol. XIII, No. 3, p4. Author: Renee Steinig. Subjects: United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
A Letter from the Leo Baeck Institute in New York, June 1998, Vol. XIV, No. 2, p4. Author: Carol Kahn Strauss. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; United States. Download: PDF.
About the Polish Genealogical Society of America, June 1999, Vol. XV, No. 2, p10. Author: Peter Jassem. Subjects: Poland; United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
The Eker-Louis B. Mayer (Canadian) Family Connection, Part 2, March 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 1, p5. Author: Glen Eker. Subjects: Research; United States; Ukraine. Download: PDF.
The 23rd IAJGS Conference in Washington D.C., September 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 3, p1. Author: Carolynne Veffer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; United States. Download: PDF.
2003 IAJGS Convention, Washington, D.C., September 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 3, p3. Author: Rolf Lederer. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; United States. Download: PDF.
News from the IAJGS Conference, Washington, July 20 – 25, 2003, September 2003, Vol. XIX, No. 3, p4. Author: Merle Kastner. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; United States. Download: PDF.
Review: Hordes, Stanley M. To the End of the Earth: A History of the Crypto-Jews of New Mexico, September 2006, Vol. XXII, No. 3, p12. Author: Henry Wellisch. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; United States. Download: PDF.
Resting Places in Turmoil? The State of Jewish Burial Societies, September 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 3, p3. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Cemeteries and Burials; United States; Canada. Download: PDF.
New Genealogy TV Shows, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Media; United States. Download: PDF.
Angel Island, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p12. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Immigration and Passenger Records. Download: PDF.
Centre for Jewish History in New York City to Open on Sundays, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p3. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Methodology. Download: PDF.
United States Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p5. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Cemeteries and Burials; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
From the White House: President and First Lady Host White House Jewish Heritage Month Reception, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p10. Subjects: United States; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
New National Museum of Jewish History Opens in Philadelphia, December 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; United States. Download: PDF.
Jewish American Heritage Month May, 2011, June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p8. Subjects: United States; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
World Premiere of the Oratorio A Melancholy Beauty At Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., June 2011, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, p9. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Commemoration. Download: PDF.
Review: The Arrogant Years: One Girl’s Search for her Lost Youth, from Cairo to Brooklyn, June 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, p6. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; United States; Africa. Download: PDF.
A Jewish View of San Fransisco, September 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, p4. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Books and Periodicals; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Genie Milgrom Wins Florida State Genealogical Society’s Genealogy Outstanding Achievement Award, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p9. Subjects: United States; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry. Download: PDF.
Hello, Columbus: A Jewish Perspective, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; United States; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Letter to the Editor, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p12. Author: Joyce Thompson. Subjects: JGS; United States. Download: PDF.
The Yiddish Book Centre, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p5. Subjects: United States; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
A Thirty Year Dream Realized, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p7. Author: Fern Mittleman. Subjects: Writing; United States. Download: PDF.
A Little-Known Jewish Genealogy Service, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p10. Author: Dick Eastman. Subjects: United States; Methodology. Download: PDF.
New York City’s Tenement Museum, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p10. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Computers, Internet Sources, Software. Download: PDF.
Portland, Oregan’s Sephardic Jewish Heritage, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p11. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Books and Periodicals. Download: PDF.
Another Successful IAJGS Conference: Salt Lake City 2014, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p12. Author: Marla Waltman. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; United States. Download: PDF.
Museum of Jewish Heritage: A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p4. Author: Judy Kasman. Subjects: United States; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Genealogy on TV: CNN’S Genealogy Series Roots: Our Journeys Home, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p5. Subjects: Media; United States; Poland; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Genealogy on TV: Finding Your Jewish Roots, December 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 4, p5. Subjects: Media; United States; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Western Europe
Research in Holland, December 1990, Vol. VI, No. 4, p4. Subjects: Western Europe; Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Museums. Download: PDF.
Who Was Raoul Henri Dreyfus?, December 1995, Vol. XI, No. 4, p3. Author: Lorraine Auberbach Chevrier. Subjects: Research; Western Europe. Download: PDF.
Red Star Line Shipping Company, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p11. Subjects: Immigration and Passenger Records; Western Europe; Research. Download: PDF.
From Nu? What’s New? The E-zine of Jewish Genealogy From Avotaynu, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p3. Author: Gary Mokotoff. Subjects: Computers, Internet Sources, Software; Western Europe; Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jewry; Baltic Countries; Baltic Countries. Download: PDF.
Review: Forman, Frieda Johles. Jewish Refugees in Switzerland During the Holocaust, June 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, p6. Author: Elaine Cheskes. Subjects: Books and Periodicals; Holocaust; Western Europe. Download: PDF.
Believe It or Not, June 2002, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, p10. Subject: Writing. Download: PDF.
I Am My Own Grandpa?, December 2007, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, p5. Authors: Dwight Latham; Moe Jaffe. Subject: Writing. Download: PDF.
Genealogy for the Rest of Us: A Writer’s Guide to Diving Into Family History, June 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 2, p1. Author: Steve Luxenberg. Subject: Writing. Download: PDF.
She, Alone, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p3. Author: Karen Lasky. Subjects: Writing; Holocaust. Download: PDF.
Writing Jewish Family Stories and Memoirs: Workshop on October 18, 2009, December 2009, Vol. XXV, No. 4, p9. Author: Shelley Stillman. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Writing. Download: PDF.
Writing Family Memoirs, March 2010, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, p4. Author: Harvey Glasner. Subjects: Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, Workshops; Writing. Download: PDF.
Closing Some Gaps, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p4. Author: Isme Bennie. Subject: Writing. Download: PDF.
The Wedding Dress, December 2012, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, p12. Author: Karen Lasky. Subjects: Significance of genealogy; Writing. Download: PDF.
Bella & Max Wilder: Reflections, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p3. Author: Sandee Sharpe. Subjects: Writing; Poland; Canada. Download: PDF.
The Prajs is Right: A JRI-Poland Success Story, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p8. Author: David Price. Subjects: Poland; Writing. Download: PDF.
Closing Some Gaps II, March 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, p10. Author: Isme Bennie. Subject: Writing. Download: PDF.
Bella & Max Wilder: Reflections II, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p4. Author: Sandee Sharpe. Subjects: Writing; Canada. Download: PDF.
On a Personal Note: My Journey Back to Cecil Street, June 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, p7. Author: Deborah Sacrob. Subjects: Writing; Canada; Institutions. Download: PDF.
Letters Home, September 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p8. Author: Lil Blume. Subject: Writing. Download: PDF.
A Thirty Year Dream Realized, December 2013, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, p7. Author: Fern Mittleman. Subjects: Writing; United States. Download: PDF.
At Toronto Fringe Festival, June 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 2, p12. Subjects: Canada; Media; Writing. Download: PDF.
Writing the Book of Life, September 2014, Vol. XXX, No. 3, p5. Author: Sara Horowitz. Subjects: Writing; Significance of genealogy. Download: PDF. </p