Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations.

(Deut. 32:7)

The Jewish Genealogical Society of Canada (Toronto) was formally established in 1985. On January 29, 2014, the name was formally changed to the Jewish Genealogical Society of Toronto, when new by-laws were adopted, as it is now one of seven Jewish genealogical societies in Canada. It is part of the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies ) and its over 75 member organizations.


  • To stimulate interest in the pursuit of Jewish genealogical research;
  • To facilitate the pursuit of Jewish genealogical research locally and globally; and
  • To provide an environment for fellowship and mutual exchange among persons with an interest in Jewish genealogy.

Established as a charitable organization, the JGS of Toronto provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge and information through meetings, workshops, newsletters, e-mail, and guest lectures, and operates a number of programmes and major projects to further its mission.

Jewish genealogy and the study of one’s roots is one of the fastest growing movements within the international Jewish community. With the advent of the Internet, on which genealogy is among the top areas of activity, the pursuit of genealogy has exploded (see JewishGen  . Learning how to use these numerous and complicated on-line facilities and other resources and archives available for genealogical research is one of the aims of our Society and a primary benefit of membership. You can easily join by filling out and returning the membership form available on the Become a Member page.

The Jewish Genealogical Society of Toronto invites you to share your knowledge as you learn from others. Most members live in the greater Toronto area (GTA) and network with other researchers around the world via the Internet and other resources. The common thread is a fascination with Jewish family history and a desire to share information and experiences.